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Feel free to look around, we love having you here. If you'd like to participate it is as simple as clicking one of these buttons!
This is the first year for 10 years have not been for holiday, hopefully will be back early next year, hope the restaurants hotels are all able to survive these times
Beautiful island beautiful people
The vibration you see when the camera is zoomed in, I believe, is because of the wind... so on windy days you can expect more vibration and on still days, less.
I've visited Villa Island View many times but I never stayed there as a guest because I live on Thassos... so I can't give you a guest review but I can tell you how most people I see there are regular customers and they keep returning every year.
Have you been to Thassos before, Vitalii?
My family forwent celebrating this year so that next year we can gather and celebrate safely together.
We hope to see you in Thassos when it's safe for everyone to travel again!
I'll drink to that, Ellie!
A beautiful day their on Golden Beach
We're looking forward to your return in 2021! *Fingers crossed*
We are looking to return end of June beginning of July 21. Cant wait once again such a beautiful place and wonderful people.
Yamas Augie
All stay safe
Vaccinations are being administered at the island's hospital in Prinos so I don't believe so!
2020 was the first year we missed coming to Golden Beach for 20 years
still very uncertain whether we will be able to come this year but we so hope to perhaps later on in September - we are now in our early 70's so just cannot afford to lose another year and not be able to see all our Greek friends we have made over the years.
Also just seen your post outlining a new transfer service from Thessaloniki Airport
Over here we're living in a surreal world and the longer it goes on the more it feels we'll never get back to normal but hopefully this will change in the coming months with the successful vaccination roll out.
Hope to see you all in September - in the meantime take care and stay safe.
Just hang in there, my friend! Everybody here in Thassos is holding their breath and hoping for the vaccination rollout to be a big success so that we can finally be together again in 2021. We honestly want nothing more!
Collectively, we're being extremely careful by following the measures so, with a bit of luck, we'll continue keeping our beautiful island and its warm-hearted people safe for you to return to - sunshine and smiles abound!
So please keep well for us because we're expecting you and the missus on our golden shores 7 months from now!!
What a treat this has been! You're right, we aren't used to getting so much white stuff! What? Snow plow? hehe! Most roads are cleared when the snow melts naturally. Snow chains are mandatory when we have snow but most people just stay home and wait for the melt, which is usually quick and takes just a day or two.
I went for a walk in Limenas on Sunday and snapped these to share with you!
Old Harbor
Seagull footprints in the snow
Ancient Agora
Path to the Ancient Amphitheater
Ancient Amphitheater overlooking Limenas
Ancient Amphitheater overlooking the Aegean Sea