Travelling to Thassos under Coronavirus - Page 2

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Travelling to Thassos under Coronavirus



  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    edited May 2020
    Hi Martyn :)

    Non-residents may be allowed to travel to the islands as early as May 18 if the coronavirus cases remain low and stable.

    On 15 May, Greece's top epidemiologist will assess the situation and announce the next steps. Fingers crossed!!
  • martynnichollsmartynnicholls Member Posts: 9
    Thanks Augie. I too and lots of friends will keep our fingers crossed. I hope that everyone onboard must wear a mask and keep their distance.
  • hobgoblinhobgoblin Member (+) Posts: 61
    so there is a glimmer of hope for our holiday end of august. i'm glad we didn't cancel our flights as we got caught up on the condor Desaster and lost our money for the flights (we had booked before Thomas cook went bust), so had to book with eurowings to Thessaloniki. no Problem, we've done the drive a few Times. the Main thing is, that we can come and don't have to wait another year, that would be unbearable.
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi hobgoblin :)

    Yes, there is hope so let's hang in there together!

    Today, flights resumed between Germany and Greece (Frankfurt - Athens only, for now) because new cases in both countries have dropped significantly. If we continue to do well then your flight in August should be safe!

    PS. In the last 24 hours, Greece only had 2 new confirmed cases in the entire country.
  • hobgoblinhobgoblin Member (+) Posts: 61
    hi augie, that is impressive. we have still a way to go, but we are hopeful. so fingers crossed and hopefully until august, can't wait. we had to cancel our ireland Trip from next week, so will be ready for a holiday.
  • EvgeniuEvgeniu Member Posts: 1
    Hello, Augie))) there is no information yet about Ukraine? planned for you at the end of June.
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    edited June 2020
    Hi Evgeniu :)

    I'm so sorry, Ukraine is not on the list of 29 countries that can enter Greece starting June 15 without the mandatory quarantine measures.

    However, the list will be updated in the next 2 weeks for tourism starting July 1 and Ukraine might be on that list! *fingers crossed*

    If you have a reservation for the end of June, I highly recommend contacting your host and requesting a date change to July or later, a time that suits you best.

    The situation is improving every day in almost every country, including Ukraine, so we remain hopeful and optimistic that you will be able to come soon! :smiley:
  • AdelaAdela Member Posts: 2
    Good evening! Can you please help me with some info regarding travelling to thassos starting 14th of june, coming from Romania? Do you know if the border is open and if the ferry boat from Keramoti to Thassos has normal schadule? Thank you!
  • GregoryGregory Member (+) Posts: 39
    Officially the borders are open from 15/6 onwards. That is for Romanians as well. The ferries are running as usual. You can always check the schedule on Go-Thassos site.
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi Adela :)

    Gregory is right, you will be able to travel to Greece starting 15 June. If you try coming on the 14th I'm afraid you won't be allowed in, so I suggest changing your arrival date to 15 June instead.

    You can find the Thassos Ferry Schedules here:
  • dodododo Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2020
    Buna ziua Adela,
    Eu iti sugerez ca daca pleci din Romania in 14, fa o escala in Bulgaria la Happy Ring ( nu o sa-ti para rau, costa 20 euro/noapte) si a doua zi pleci pe la 9 si ajungi la feribot la pranz.
  • AdelaAdela Member Posts: 2
    Thank you for you advice!
  • GeorgiGeorgi Member Posts: 2
    Hello, I have a question. My family and I are planning on going to Thassos on the 9th of July. Do you perhaps know if, due to the regulations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be any limitations or any kind of regulations regarding the free zones on the beaches?

    Thanks a lot in advance!
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    edited June 2020
    Hi Georgi :)

    That's a great question!

    If you visit an unorganized beach (eg. one that doesn't have sunbeds and umbrellas), it is advised that you practice social distancing in a responsible way. This means if you arrive at a beach and find it busy, choose a section with fewer people or continue along the coast and check if the next beach has more free space... we've got so many amazing beaches on Thassos to choose from so don't you worry about not finding a beach with space. Keep a minimum distance of 2 meters from others, don't gather in groups larger than 10 people, and all will be well in the eyes of the local authorities.
  • GeorgiGeorgi Member Posts: 2
    Hi Augie! Thank you for such a fast response! One more question. How is it with organized beaches? As we recall, there have always been so called free zones even on the organized beaches for the people that bring their own umbrellas and sunbeds or chairs.
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    edited June 2020
    There will still be "free zones" on organized beaches (as you correctly recall) and the same social distancing rules will apply. Just act responsibly, use common sense, and remind other beach-goers of the rules if they get too close to you (less than 2 meters). :)
  • AndreiAndrei Member Posts: 9
    From Romanian border until Keramoti we have a 7-8 hours journey. Many drivers preffer to cross Bulgaria at night and arrive at the ferry in the morning. I will do the same. Start traveling on 14 and arrive at the ferry 15 in the mirning. When is the first ferry? At what hour?


    When do you plan to cross the border to BG? Do we travel at the same hours?
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi Andrei :)

    The first ferry from Keramoti to Thassos will depart at 5:00 AM
  • broderickbroderick Member (+) Posts: 33
    Hi Andrei

    Are you going to Skala Potamia or Golden Beach resort?

    I have a photo that I was planning to deliver to Vangelis the owner at Flivos at Skala Potamia this month of a vehicle he owned 17 years ago.

    Unfortunately UK residents are not allowed entry and my holiday has been cancelled. If you do attend can you obtain up to date email so I can send the photo or tell him to look at this site.

    Best regards Steve
  • AndreiAndrei Member Posts: 9

    Yes. I go to Golden Beach every year. I don’t feel the need to change the place. 🙂
    I can go there and ask about the email address and show the photo. Especially because we talk about such a beautiful car. (Please pm me with more details about the car. Let’s not bother everyone with passion for cars. 😁

    Please tell me if is flivos or flisvos.
    Take a look at the photo. Is this the place?
    I see the photo is posted on google by Vangelis. Is this the right Vanghelis?
  • andvargaandvarga Member Posts: 4
    Hi All, Thanks for the updates, much appreciated!
    We plan to come from Romania in beginning of August, and we are wondering what are the procedures if we get infected on the island or if some guest staying at our hotel gets infected. Are there quarantine hotels, will the entire hotel be under quarantine, are we allowed to leave or get stranded on the island for 2 additional weeks, who is paying these additional costs outside our control? Can one of the administrators elaborate of that are the local rules and regulations? We would like to come, but we want to asses what will happen if on the 2nd day of our stay a guest is found positive and we might find ourselves in some strange situation when we need to stay with the kids in a room no in or out for an extended period of time. Thank you!
  • AndreiAndrei Member Posts: 9
    To all those who might read this lines in time.
    Status at the border in Makaza is very unplesant.
    Greek border says we can enter greek territory only after 12.00 pm.
    So not at midnight.
  • AndreiAndrei Member Posts: 9
    Many cars are already at the border and waiting to be allowed to enter Greece.
    I hope the situation will change and I can come with another status.
  • broderickbroderick Member (+) Posts: 33
    Hi Andrei Yes that is the restaurant. Thanks Vangelis might give you a free drink. I hope you have a fantastic holiday.Best regards Steve.
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