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broderickbroderick Member (+) Posts: 33
Hello Augie
We have visited Thassos on several occasions since 1997. We had meal last june at Flivos on front at Skala Potamia. I advised owner I had taken lots of photos of the area and recalled a very nice BMW outside around 2005. The owner confirmed the car had been his favourite that he had owned and if we gave him a copy he would give us meal and a barrel full of beer. I was intending to deliver photos this year as booked for 7th june for two weeks however looks doubtful. Have you any way of passing on by email this photo,

Best regards Steve


  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    edited April 2020
    Hi Steve :)

    Nice photo of a sunrise with the BMW! For 2005 standards, the quality is pretty good... perhaps worth TWO barrels full of beer. ;)

    The owner's name is Vangelis and you can reach him at this email (belongs to his wife): sarahpapadimitriou@yahoo.com
  • DelboyDelboy Member (+) Posts: 359
    edited April 2020
    I think I spoke to Sarah an English lady (married to Vangelis) who did the serving. PS I could lighten up the foreground in software for you if you required it but depends on how much detail is there in the shadow
  • broderickbroderick Member (+) Posts: 33
    Hello Del Boy and Augie. Thanks for responses. Del if you want to adjust that would be great as I've lost my photo editing facility with recent change of laptop.

    Not sure how I can get original to you but checked it was a 2003 shot on a 3mp Kodak so not many pixels to adjust.

    Off subject I've noticed something weird. I might be talking about certain matter away from PC e.g playing Animals CD in car and then comes up on my you tube as suggestion to view Animals singing house of rising sun.This has happened lots of times.

    The latest example is following sending this topic a BMW 850,16 years stand still renovation has come up on my recommended you tube. Are You Tube people accessing our lives or am I paranoid and need my Thassos holiday to relax. Steve
  • DelboyDelboy Member (+) Posts: 359
    sent you a pm Steve
  • broderickbroderick Member (+) Posts: 33
    Thanks Derek. I'll send these to Vangelis. Best regards Steve

  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    The two of you make a great team! Steve, I think Derek deserves a pint or two from that barrel of beer Vangelis gives you :lol:
  • DelboyDelboy Member (+) Posts: 359
    I have been making my own beer for a little while now Augie but not made any since last October. I just have two bottles left, so will need to make some more soon.

    Something to do whilst in a lock down
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