Travelling to Thassos under Coronavirus - Page 5

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Travelling to Thassos under Coronavirus



  • andvargaandvarga Member Posts: 4
    Hi Augie,

    2 questions if you can clarify for us:
    1. Are minors, kids around age 8 - 10 years are required to have this test? It is not a pleasant one for them and I believe if I am infected, they are infected as well.
    2. The 72 hour mark is from the sample is taken or the result certificate is issued? Our reservation starts on Tuesday, 72 hours is Saturday. Around my area even if it is sampled on Saturday, they are processing it on Monday and they need at least 24 hours to issue the certificate. I need the sample to be taken at least on Friday or not on Thursday to be able to get a certificate on Monday, and we need to start our journey of 1200 km right away to be on time. This make us almost impossible to go.

    What alternatives are there to fly into Thassos? Which is the nearest airport receiving flights? Although I belie we are much safer driving, we would have less contact with anybody. We as family we were very diligent in keeping distance, so I am confident my test will be negative, but from scheduling standpoint this is unlikely doable.
  • SebastianSebastian Administrator Posts: 19
    Hi Andvarga,

    I'm sorry to hear about the logistical difficulties you're facing! Hopefully over the coming days/weeks, the testing process will improve.

    I'll try to answer these questions by pointing you to the official government announcement. I'm referencing this website where you can see the official text. Run it through Google translate if you're curious.
    1. The law does not make any mention of exceptions for children. Everybody including children are required to have a negative test result.
    2. The Greek states "έχουν διαγνωσθεί αρνητικοί σε εργαστηριακό έλεγχο για κορωνοϊό COVID-19 με τη μέθοδο PCR που έχει διενεργηθεί με τη λήψη στοματοφαρυγγικού ή ρι- νοφαρυγγικού επιχρίσματος εντός των τελευταίων εβδομήντα δύο (72) ωρών πριν από την άφιξή τους στην Ελλάδα. The translation is "been diagnosed negative for Covid-19 by the PCR method within the last 72 hours before their arrival in Greece". My understanding then would be that the 72 hour mark begins once the test results are issued. I presume there would be a timestamp on the test result certificate which the authorities would use to determine the calculation.
    Also, everybody you're traveling with needs a negative PCR test result from a government accredited testing laboratory. The result certificate must be written in English and include the name and passport/ID number of the person tested.

    In regards to flights, we don't have an airport on the island. The nearest airport is Kavala International Airport "Alexander the Great" (KVA). The next is Thessaloniki Airport "Makedonia" (SKG) which is about 2 hours away from Thassos by road (which is an easy, scenic drive on the Egnatia Highway). Then finally you have the option of Athens International Airport (ATH) which has flights to both SKG and KVA. You can find more information here about flights to Thassos.

    As of right now, visitors arriving by sea and air are not required to provide a negative test result.

    If all else fails, coming by air might be the best option if you can't get the results in time!
  • hobgoblinhobgoblin Member (+) Posts: 61
    thanks augie, i'm glad you keep us update and answer our, sometimes stupid, questions and worries. thanks for that.
  • piterbtmpiterbtm Member Posts: 3
    Hello everybody :)

    I will come to Thassos with my family on friday and I have some questions regarding planning holiday here :)

    1. Where is it the best to look for bus schedule? Schedule on Go Thassos website is a bit different than here (some hours are different) : Which one do you think is more actual?

    2. What would be estimated price for taxi from Limenas ferry to Limenaria? We are used to travel by bus, but maybe the price will be comparable if we are 3 person and it is about 5EUR/person by bus?

    3. We were interested in going to Kavala at the end of our travel by Skala Prinos-Kavala ferry, but the schedule shows that 7.08 it goes only once a day, at 5:45 in morning. Is that right, or are there any later ferries?

    4. Here I found schedule from KTEL Kavala.ΑΠΟ 12-07-2020 ΕΩΣ 31-08-2020.pdf On 5. page there is a bus from Kavala to Keramoti, but I cannot find bus from Keramoti to Kavala and its schedule :( rome2rio says that bus from Keramtoti to Kavala which goes hourly. Do you know what is right and where to find a schedule?

    5. What about bus from Kavala to airport? Airport website says there is one and is showing a link to ktelkavala but there is an error 404 and I cannot find information about this bus anywhere :( Is there a schedule anywhere?

    6. Is bus from Limenaria to Alyki, Paradise Beach only at 7:40? Are there any other buses from Limenaria to Alyki, Paradise Beach or Giola Lagoon?

    7. What can be estimated prices now for car rental in Limenas for few days with full insurance? 4-5days

    Thank you very much for your help, sorry for so much answers.

    Can't wait to discover your beautiful island

    Greetings, Piotr
  • piterbtmpiterbtm Member Posts: 3
    Hi. One more question I have:
    - Is there any bus connections from airport to Keramoti? :)
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi Piterbtm :)

    1. The bus schedule on Go Thassos is correct. We update it weekly. The other website is out of date with 2019 schedules.

    2. I called 2 different taxi drivers on Thassos and they both quoted 50€ from the ferry port in Limenas to Limenaria.

    3. That's incorrect. There are 3 ferry crossings every day from Skala Prinos to Kavala: 07:15, 12:00, and 15:45. Please see the ferry schedules on Go Thassos.

    4. At the same link you provided, Pg. 6 shows the times from Keramoti to Chrisoupoli (ΑΠΟ ΚΕΡΑΜΩΤΗ - ΧΡΗΣΟΥΠΟΛΗ). On Pg. 5 it shows the times from Chrisoupoli to Kavala (ΑΠΟ ΧΡΥΣΟΥΠΟΛΗ - ΚΑΒΑΛΑ).

    5. No, there isn't a bus service from Kavala to the airport. You'll need a taxi. If the airport's website says there is a bus but the page doesn't work, I suggest calling the airport and asking them since it's on their website.

    6. Yes, only at 7:40 at the moment. This could change next week so please keep checking the bus schedule on Go Thassos. If you have more questions, please call the bus station at +30 25930 22162 and they can answer all of your questions.

    7. I don't know but you can contact the car hire companies on Thassos and ask each of them for an offer. You can also take advantage of the coupon code "GOPOTOS20" at Potos Car Rental for 5% off!

    8. No, there isn't a bus service from the airport to Keramoti. You'll need a taxi.

    For more information (we also answered some of your questions here already) please see
  • piterbtmpiterbtm Member Posts: 3
    Thank you very much for all your answers :)

    Just to clarify about buses from Keramoti. I can go by bus from Keramoti to Chrissopouli and there I can change for bus to Kavala?
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi Piterbtm :)

    You're very welcome!

    Yes, you will need to take a bus from Keramoti to Chrisoupoli and then take a different bus from Chrisoupoli to Kavala.
  • GeoGaidiGeoGaidi Member Posts: 2
    Dear Augie,

    We plan travelling next week to Thassos and on the website, the PLF form shows 6 entry points for ground transportation, out of which a second one in Bulgaria: Nymphaea (known by us as Makaza - Nymphaea).

    Because we have a small child, we would like to avoid as much as possible spending too much time waiting in line at customs.

    The shortest way for us (6h drive) would be going through Makaza, but we are unsure that this custom is open and second of all, we don't know how much it will take for going through the custom procedure.

    Could you please confirm us that this second custom is open for entering Greece (we have friends who used it for return and it is open) and share with us an estimated time for waiting in Makaza custom in the mornings (4-5am during weekends or working days) ?

    Thank you so much for all you do for Thassos visitors and look forward to visiting your gorgeous island for the 10th time :)

    Stay safe you and your dear ones,

  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi GeoGadi :)

    I confirm that the only land entry point to Greece for tourism is the Promochonas border crossing. All other entry points which have an asterisk (*) next to the name are only open for essential travelers.

    Tourists are allowed to exit Greece through Nymphaea (Makaza) but they are only allowed to enter Greece via Promachonas.

    It's difficult to estimate the waiting time at the border because it depends on so many factors. I've heard stories of people waiting 20-30 minutes and I've heard others have waited much longer. Since you will arrive very early in the morning I think you'll enjoy a shorter-than-average waiting time but it's impossible to say how long.

    Have a safe trip to Thassos, Georgiana! Also thank you for your kind words, we do our best to help!
  • GeoGaidiGeoGaidi Member Posts: 2
    Thanks, Augie, for all these useful details.

    Have a great day,
  • hobgoblinhobgoblin Member (+) Posts: 61
    hi augie, just read, that the number of infections in greece are on the rise. so, as we are due to travel on the 23rd, what do we do? is there a Chance of a total lockdown and how would that affect tourists? could we be stuck in thassos (not a bad thing, normally)?
    Thessaloniki seems to be one of the new Hotspots, thats where we would fly to. i am grateful for any help in making a decision.
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi Hobgoblin :)

    There's no talk about any shutdowns in Greece at the moment. The government is taking more measures to combat the increase in cases. For example, now all bars and restaurants must remain closed between 00:00-07:00. The majority of new cases are young people so the government is taking specific measures to tackle this issue.

    Since Thassos isn't a party island and generally doesn't attract young crowds like other places in Greece, I'm personally not concerned about Thassos. We have mostly families and couples visiting Thassos and people are taking measures and being careful here.

    If you are arriving in Thessaloniki and traveling by taxi or car to Keramoti, you won't be exposed to people once you leave the airport so I wouldn't be concerned if I was in your shoes. Just be sure to take precautions while inside the airport (you'll be required to, anyway).

    Does this help with your decision? Let me know if I can help you further!
  • hobgoblinhobgoblin Member (+) Posts: 61
    hi augie, thanks for your answer, which reflected my thoughts regarding thassos himself. my Main concern was Thessaloniki and after talking to our doctor, who strongly recommended not to fly, we have decided to be sensible and cancel, which is very sad and we are very down at the Moment. but better safe than sorry. so hopefully we'll have more luck next year. thanks again.
  • cristinafotacristinafota Member Posts: 2
    Good evening.
    We are traveling on 1 st of september from Romania. Can we enter Greece if we transit Serbia? Our best travel route is Romania-Serbia-Bulgaria-Greece. Is this allowed or do we have to transit only Bulgaria?
    Thank you
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi Cristina :)

    Greece requires that you arrive at the Promachonas/Kulata border crossing and you have a negative test less than 72 hours old.

    If you want to transit through Serbia, I would first contact the Romanian embassy in Serbia to find out if it's currently allowed. I would also call the Bulgarian embassy in Serbia to check if there are any requirements or restrictions.

    Here are some resources to help you:

    Romanian Embassy in Serbia

    Bulgarian Embassy in Serbia
  • cristinafotacristinafota Member Posts: 2
    Thank you Augie
    I allready cheked the Romanian, Serbian and Bulgarian conditions, and it is OK.
    My concern was that Greece do not allow turists to enter the country if they tansited Serbia.
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi Cristina :)

    Yes, Greece will allow you to enter if you transit through Serbia... as long as you enter through the Promachonas/Kulata border crossing and you have a negative test less than 72 hours old.

    Serbian residents are currently not allowed to enter Greece but this doesn't apply to Romanian residents who transit through Serbia.
  • dodododo Member Posts: 13
    After many adventures, (I forgot my phone at home and I did not have access to the email received from the Greek government with the registration code) I arrived in Skala Potamia yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised by the wide, stone-free beach. This year is a 7 time when I came here.
    I have a question for those who know something about the return trip to Romania.
    Is the Makaza customs point open for return or do you have to leave via Promachonas/Kulata?
    Thank you.
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi Dodo :)

    Welcome back to Thassos and I hope you are enjoying your time after such an adventure!

    Good news: The Makaza customs point is open and you are allowed to exit Greece from there. Entry is not allowed through Makaza but exiting is allowed.
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