Travelling to Thassos under Coronavirus - Page 4

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Travelling to Thassos under Coronavirus



  • Daniel85Daniel85 Member Posts: 4
    Hi Augie,
    We are a family 2 adults + 3 minor children. We booked holiday in Thassos starting with 5 of. July. Regarding the passenger locator form we must fill in before entering Greece I do not know if also the minor children must complete it. Do you know where I can find an official information about this? We are a little concern about the screening procedure cause we come from Romania that according to our official data is in the yellow Covid list. In the district where we came from (Timis) we have few infection cases daily (something between 0-3 for 700k population) but overall Romania has not a good average value. Do you know if for decision of testing or not, the Greek authorities take also in consideration the district or the whole country? Not to be understood, I have nothing against testing but I am afraid of false positive tests that can ruin our entire holiday. Right now we are not sure if to cancel our reservation or not.
    Thank you!
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    edited June 2020
    Hi Daniel :)

    I just called the Greek Civil Protection Ministry (+30 210 335 9002) for clarifications and they confirmed that every person must have a completed Passenger Locator Form regardless of their age. This applies to even babies, so parents must complete this form for every member of their family.

    In regards to your second question about sample testing at the Greek borders, I'm not certain if they use regional epidemiological data to decide who to test at the border or if it's completely random.

    What I do know is that Greece does molecular testing which is highly accurate and done at a lab by a medical technician. It is the most accurate testing method that exists today. They do not use the fast tests that have a horrible track record of being inaccurate. The Greek tests take up to 24 hours to be processed which is why visitors who are selected to be tested at the border are allowed to continue to their final destination immediately but are then required to stay at their accommodation pending the test results. If the results come back negative then they are free to enjoy their vacation immediately. If it comes back positive, they will be accommodated in a special quarantine hotel on Thassos where they will spend 14 days. The Greek state will cover the costs.

    Please remember that our biggest priority is the safety of you and your family! We want you to have a wonderful holiday with the least amount of hassle and inconvenience. There will be a slight inconvenience for the very few people who are randomly selected for testing at the border but this is important in order for the authorities to keep Greece safe for everyone.
  • Daniel85Daniel85 Member Posts: 4
    Thank you very much Augie for your quick answers!
  • hobgoblinhobgoblin Member (+) Posts: 61
    hi Augie, there is a rumour, that everybody going to greece will need to fill in a passenger location form on their Mobile which will then be transferred into a QR-code. is there anything in it or can we just turn up with our printed out forms?
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hi Hobgoblin :)

    After you complete the form you will receive an email with a printable version. This printable version contains your QR code.

    You then have the option of printing the form and presenting it when you arrive to Greece, or you can open the email on your phone and present the QR code to them like that.
  • hobgoblinhobgoblin Member (+) Posts: 61
    thanks for Clearing that up, augie
  • andvargaandvarga Member Posts: 4
    Hi Augie,

    I have 2 questions in matters not clear to me:
    1. The Passenger Locator Form needs to be filled out within 48 hours, or before the 48 hour mark to border crossing?
    2. Do you know what is the plan for Makaza-Komotini crossing reopen? We are traveling to Thassos end of July

    Thank you!
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    edited July 2020
    Hi Andvarga :)
    1. The Passenger Locator Form needs to be completed at least 48 hours before you arrive at the Greek border crossing.
    2. The Greek government is preparing to open the Makaza-Nymphea border crossing on the 15th of July. I've heard reports that it may be opened earlier but 15 July is the goal. My advice is to check the form for Makaza/Nymphea in the list of land points of entry. When it appears then it will be officially open (see the screenshot below, I circled the list in red)

  • seamstrseamstr Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2020
    Hello everybody, luckily I've been traveling to Thasos already two times this year. However, there is a problem with the ferry's schedule published on the web site, it's just not correct. It seams that the ferry's intervals are much rarer.
    Does anyone knows where to get the actual/ correct schedule from?
  • AnthonyAnthony Administrator Posts: 22
    Hi @seamstr,

    Did you notice under the ferry schedule there is red text mentioning that there are some cancellations? If you click on that you will be taken to a PDF document with the ferry time tables.

  • seamstrseamstr Member Posts: 3
    Thank you Anthony, indeed I haven’t noticed the red text, usually checking the ferry schedule minutes before arriving at the port on my mobile phone.
    Thanks again.
  • Martina98Martina98 Member Posts: 2
    Hi Augie!

    My parents are now in Bulgaria and are traveling to Thassos tomorrow. However, we still have not received our QR codes. There are still few hours left until today is over but it is getting late. Is there a possibility that we could not get it? And if so, how should we proceed? Is there anyone we could contact at this point?

    Thanks in advance,
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    edited July 2020
    Hi Martina :)

    I just called the border police at the Promachonas border crossing station (+30 23230 41222) and I explained your situation. The officer I spoke with told me that if you completed the form yesterday then you should receive the QR code by tomorrow. If you do not receive the QR by the time you arrive at the border, don't worry, they will not turn your parents around. However, it is more likely that your parents will get tested and will need to stay at the hotel where they booked for 24 hours pending the test results.

    Before telling me this, he first asked where they are coming from. I told him Bulgaria. Then he asked if they are residents of Bulgaria and I told him that I believe so. Can you please confirm?
  • Martina98Martina98 Member Posts: 2
    Hi Augie,

    Thank you so much! We completed the form on the 4th of July (I am coming with them, sorry I missed the 'and I' in the previous e-mail). We do come from Bulgaria but we reside in the Czech Republic and travel as Czech citizens with Czech IDs. Sorry that the previous e-mail was a bit misleading!

    Thank you again,
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    edited July 2020
    Hi Martina :)

    Haha no worries!

    Since you're traveling with Czech (EU) IDs then the same rules apply.

    Have a safe trip tomorrow and see you on Thassos!!
  • SnejSnej Member Posts: 2
    Hello. From friends I learned that because of the infected with Covid 19, the ferries were stopped and there is no way to travel there. Is this true? Because I plan to arrive tomorrow with my family. Thanks
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hi Snej :)

    That simply isn't true! The ferries never stopped. You can see on this live map that the ferries are operating about every hour.

    Thank you for asking because there's a lot of misinformation out there.
  • SnejSnej Member Posts: 2
    Thank you very much.
  • hobgoblinhobgoblin Member (+) Posts: 61
    hi augie, i just read in our local newspaper that there were cases of positive tested tourists in thassos. they mentioned Promachonas and especially people coming from Serbia. that makes me wonder, if it will be safe to visit in August. can you shed more light?
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hi Hobgoblin :)

    This is true. Tourists on their way to Thassos tested positive for Covid-19 when they were tested at the Promachonas border checkpoint. As soon as the results were known, they were informed by the authorities and moved to the quarantine hotel on Thassos. They were asymptomatic.

    As we outlined on our Covid-19 Updates page, the Greek authorities have safety protocols in place because they anticipated this scenario. The situation is under control.

    As long as we all continue to follow the safety protocols Thassos will be safe. I can assure you that the local people and the Greek authorities are taking every precaution and measure necessary to ensure you have a safe and relaxing holiday on Thassos this summer.
  • LiaLeontarakisLiaLeontarakis Member Posts: 1
    Can you tell, how the ferries will be Next week? We will arrive tuesday.
    Thank you
  • Leanne1976Leanne1976 Member Posts: 144
    Well it was confirmed yesterday that we won’t be coming in September, we knew it was the case but I was still disappointed.
    We will rebook for next year though 😀😀
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hi Lia :)

    The ferries will be running about every 1 hour from Keramoti to Limenas. From Kavala to Prinos there are 3 ferry crossings per day.

    Have a safe trip on Tuesday and enjoy your holiday on Thassos!
  • hobgoblinhobgoblin Member (+) Posts: 61
    hi again, i have just heard that a negative covid Test is needed to enter greece. is that just for citizens of some countries or for everybody? just entering by car or flights as well?
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hey Hobgoblin :)

    This new rule states that starting 15 July, tourists coming via the land border of Promachonas (currently the only station open for tourists) must carry with them a negative test result no older than 72 hours. This rule applies to everybody entering Greece via the land border, regardless of their origin. On 29 July, the Greek government will re-visit this rule and decide whether to keep or change it.

    This rule doesn't apply to tourists coming by plane so since you're coming from Germany by plane it doesn't apply to you.

    You may keep checking here for updates.
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