Booked the tickets!!! Today in a month time we arrive as we speak in Thessaloniki en me and my family will be happy to drive the beautiful road to the lovely Thassos! We are thinking of taking the ferry this year from Kavala instead of Keramoti. The ferry takes longer but the carjourney from Thessaloniki is shorter. Any advise? Is ther ferrytrip from Kavala beautiful? For the 3rd year in a row. Can't wait to stay with our friend Roulla in pension Elia. We love Thassos! Greetings from Holland!
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hi niki the trip is nice from kavala as you said and take longer but i would suggest to go from keramoti, as you will be coming from egnatia odos (egnatia motor way) which it will take you near the airport,and 10 minutes from the port keramoti, how ever the choice is yours. to be honest when i used to work on the local ferry-boats i did preferred the keramoti way shorter and more scenic,. i would suggest to have a look some ofthe you tube videos, that will make your decision easier.
wish everyone a nice holiday!!!!!!!
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Hi Sharon we too are going on 21st July and we are staying at the Nostos where we stayed last year .Our son and girlfriend arrived yesterday for a week and can't believe how beautiful it is, lets hope the weather stays lovely for the rest of their stay.
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Hi Thassians! I am bringing my family to your stunning island in only a few days time (sun 26 May). whilst I am there I would like to do a spot of fishing, either on a boat or light rock fishing with lures. Can anyone provide any details on fishing trips or good places to try with any details of favoured baits and techniques? We are staying at the makryamos bungalows. Cant wait to join you in a few days time
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Only 27 days to go till we return for the 5th time in 5 years , we tried missing a year last year but still ended up going for a sneaky week in September.
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Good Afternoon thassos. I am missing the web cam, cant wait until this is back up and running. only 10 more days till we have the pleasure of your beautiful island. Take care one and all and we will see you very soon.
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Hello everyone, we will be at 1 month and 3 days of Thassos.I would like to ask, does anyone know what will be the weather in the end of June,and water if it's hot? If anyone was there at that time of the month, I'll be glad to share some comments.I just ask because we have a kid-almost 6 years old.Thanks a lot!
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Vanya, I have been in Thassos many times end of June.The weather is perfect, the day lasts more and the sea is ok.Not hot but not cold.It's the perfect time for summer holidays, because it's not so crowded. Thassos is the best choise for unforgetable holidays!!!!Don't forget to drink coffee at Vigli cafe(perfect view) and eat only souvlaki at special soublaki(ask the locals to find it) !!! HAVE A NICE SUMMER TO ALL!!!!
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I was last year at the end of june and it was perfect. Sunny and the water was goood for swim, only in the morning the water was a little bit coler. This year again I'll arrive on 26.06
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Many thanks for your answers! we also arrive at 26.06.for 10 days,and really hope it is warm and sunny and the water is warm!by the way, my daughter loves souvlaki...wetoo we were last year on Thassos and and we love Thassos, so we decided this year to be there again two I said to 26.06. and the end of August. I want drink MITHOS......
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Wendy, we fly to Thessaloniki in August and looking at the map there looks to be only one road out of the airport. Go to the crossroad, straight across to the "T" junction, turn left and follow the road for a couple of kilometres and look for highway 2 signed for Kavala,stay on this road and bypass Kavala looking for airodromiu Megas Aexandros, pass the entrance and head for Keramoti for the ferry to the wonderful island of Thassos. I hope this is helpful.
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Phil, there is a cash machine on the ring road just past Erics bar heading for Thassos town, but being greek it's not always working, but there are three in Thassos town at the banks (easy to find).
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Hi every 1,cant wait to go to golden beach and stay at the emerald. Im going on 21st july,flying from gatwick,any body else going the same time as me? If so,hope u have a fab holiday,as im going to really enjoy it.
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We are thinking of taking the ferry this year from Kavala instead of Keramoti. The ferry takes longer but the carjourney from Thessaloniki is shorter.
Any advise? Is ther ferrytrip from Kavala beautiful?
For the 3rd year in a row. Can't wait to stay with our friend Roulla in pension Elia.
We love Thassos!
Greetings from Holland!
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to be honest when i used to work on the local ferry-boats i did preferred the keramoti way shorter and more scenic,. i would suggest to have a look some ofthe you tube videos, that will make your decision easier.
wish everyone a nice holiday!!!!!!!
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See you soon. We are waiting in Roulas garden whit frappe.....
Love from Anette and Birgitta Sweden
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I am bringing my family to your stunning island in only a few days time (sun 26 May). whilst I am there I would like to do a spot of fishing, either on a boat or light rock fishing with lures. Can anyone provide any details on fishing trips or good places to try with any details of favoured baits and techniques? We are staying at the makryamos bungalows. Cant wait to join you in a few days time
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If anyone was there at that time of the month, I'll be glad to share some comments.I just ask because we have a kid-almost 6 years old.Thanks a lot!
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I was last year at the end of june and it was perfect. Sunny and the water was goood for swim, only in the morning the water was a little bit coler.
This year again I'll arrive on 26.06
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The cash machine is on the main road across the bakery.
I have never had it not working...
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Im going on 21st july,flying from gatwick,any body else going the same time as me?
If so,hope u have a fab holiday,as im going to really enjoy it.
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