MERRY CHRISTMAS to all. We hope all your dreams come true, especially the one about spending a beautiful and sunny vacation in Thassos again. May you all have a wonderful New Year....preparing to visit everyone's favorite dream island cheers!!!!!!
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First visited this beautiful bay 21 years ago and then last August managed to get two weeks in Skala Panagia. A truly fantastic holiday. It's a wonderful place to have the webcam and we look everyday! Thank you to all the Thassos team and wishing you a very happy 2013!
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A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to everyone on Thassos, especially to Karen and Stavros at Hotel George and to everyone at Hotel Blue Bay. Thank you very much for the wonderful webcam. :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S
Looking forward to Golden Beach in May. :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S
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Great, it's New Years Eve and we will soon be able to say we're going to Thassos this year, Not wishing our lives away but roll on July, Happy New Year to all Thassos lovers. B-) B-) B-) B-) B-) B-) B-)
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message for adilee..if you walk up the hill next to anna's supermarket take second on right think you will find anna's appartments along on the left. regards ..derek from dorset...
happy new year to all..not long till june.. cant wait..
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Dear friends, next Sunday we will watch the trowing of the holy cross in the bay. Am I correct my dear Greek friends? Will the webcam focus, and if at what time? Will be back in June to our Paradise )))))))))
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The camera has technical problems that are preventing it from moving as it should. We've been in contact with Earthcam's support team for weeks now, working to find the problem. We're still troubleshooting and hopefully by this weekend we will know what the problem is exactly and if we can get it moving by Epiphany's main event on Sunday morning, when the throwing of the cross will take place.
Every year we normally promote the event, which takes place on Golden Beach, but this year we haven't because of the uncertainty about whether we will in fact be able to zoom in to show it this year.
We'll give you an update by tomorrow evening (Saturday).
One thing is for sure... all of us on Thassos hope to share this very special event with all our friends around the world, via the webcam for those who can't come and in person for those who can!
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As promised, I'm here to update you on the camera... although I wish I had better news!
Unfortunately, during this year's Epiphany celebration, the camera won't be able to zoom in at the beach where the throwing of the holy cross will take place so that you may watch it live as in previous years.
Earthcam's engineers are still investigating the fault which is causing the camera's robotic base to be unresponsive.
...and we all know what that means!
Everyone now has the perfect excuse to book a last-minute plane ticket to come for the celebrations and enjoy them in person, and maybe even participate by jumping into the chilly sea with all of those brave young men! (or remain dry on the beach while cheerleading for their favorite contestant)
But on a serious note, we're continuing our efforts to fix the robotic base for the webcam and hopefully we won't have this problem again in the future.
Good night to all and enjoy the weekend!
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We are coming to Thassos again in June, our 6th time, but this time we are doing it independently instead of using a tour operator. So if anyone can give us any recommendations for accommodation in the Golden Beach area it would be greatly appreciated. We have stopped at the Emerald/Smaragdi for the last 5 years and loved it, but this year we want somewhere a little bit lower down. Many thanks, Adilee.
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Prvi put sam bio na TASOSU 1978. godine sa roditeljima, a ja sam tada imao 3 godine. Kasnije smo isli svake godine porodicno ja sam tako reci odrastao na tom ostrvu sa roditeljima i 1997. dolazim prvi put sam sa svojim drustvom tako nastastavljamo svake godine sve do 2000. kada dolazim sa svojom suprugom i sa nasom cerkom, prvim detetom koje jos tada nije imalo napunjenu jednu godinu. Nastavljamo tako do 2002. kada dolazimo sa jos jednim novim clanom porodice drugom cerkom pa nastavljamo tako do 2007. kada dolazi jos jedan novi clan nas sin. Nasa petoclana porodica nastavlja svake godine da posecuje ovo ostrvo kao i prosle godine gde smo imali sjajno letovanje pocetkom septembra. Ovo ostrvo je moj drugi dom i radujem se svakom dolasku kao malo dete. Takva lepota i priroda retko gde se moze naci. Cak su i starosedeoci ostrva poceli da mi se javljaju kao da zivim sa njima. LOVE THASSOS
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Hi Adilee, we stayed last year at Hotel Ioannis in the June and then in September we stayed at Marina Appts. Both were very clean and comfortable, though the Ioannis has been dropped by Thompsons over differences.
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Hi AdiLee Have seen on the thassos island forum you may be interested in staying in Panagia. Costas and his family have 2 hotels there, the Elvetia and the Chrissafis. You can check out both on their websites. We stayed in the Elvetia in 2009 when we went for a month out of season. It is basic but clean and comfortable. It is on the main road into Panagia just after the bad bend on rhs. Like you we have stayed at the Smaragdi many times and are also back on 9th June for our 10th visit. If you did want to stay in Golden Beach tho, have you considered the Stefanos (next to Finikas and opposite the campsite). We have never stayed there but have been many times for a snack and drink at lunchtime. They are a lovely family that run it and from what I've seen of the inside it is spotless. There are nice gardens to sit in and a bar outside. They are independant and do not have any tour operators assigned to them. Also no hill to climb!! Hope this is of help
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Julie is right in what she says about Stephanos. Have stayed there ourselves a couple of years ago, Stehanos and Polly are brilliant and their 2 boys George and Antonis, the rooms are spotless, the gardens are beutiful. We are going back there this year in June for a fortnight. If there was any reservation it would be that its opposite the camp site, having said that we have also stayed at the Philipidis a couple of times also opposite the camp and have not found it to be any problem. Regards Trevor
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I cannot believe how difficult it is to choose where to stay in golden beach.Already got the flights sorted, car hire sorted but deciding where to stay is soooo difficult. We want a 1 bedroom apartment not to far from the beach, and have a short list of about 5, then we go onto another website and find a load more, please help !!!!
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hi adilee,,top places to stay are smaragdi,,blue bay ,,nostos ,,george and is no longer with tomson but you can stillbook with stavros.. good luck ..see you in june..
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Looking forward to Golden Beach in May. :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S
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Does anyone know the exact location of Anna's Apartments in Golden Beach ?
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Happy New Year with health, happiness, love, peace and work for everyone!!!
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happy new year to all..not long till june.. cant wait..
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Am I correct my dear Greek friends?
Will the webcam focus, and if at what time?
Will be back in June to our Paradise
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Thank you for asking!
The camera has technical problems that are preventing it from moving as it should. We've been in contact with Earthcam's support team for weeks now, working to find the problem. We're still troubleshooting and hopefully by this weekend we will know what the problem is exactly and if we can get it moving by Epiphany's main event on Sunday morning, when the throwing of the cross will take place.
Every year we normally promote the event, which takes place on Golden Beach, but this year we haven't because of the uncertainty about whether we will in fact be able to zoom in to show it this year.
We'll give you an update by tomorrow evening (Saturday).
One thing is for sure... all of us on Thassos hope to share this very special event with all our friends around the world, via the webcam for those who can't come and in person for those who can!
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As promised, I'm here to update you on the camera... although I wish I had better news!
Unfortunately, during this year's Epiphany celebration, the camera won't be able to zoom in at the beach where the throwing of the holy cross will take place so that you may watch it live as in previous years.
Earthcam's engineers are still investigating the fault which is causing the camera's robotic base to be unresponsive.
...and we all know what that means!
Everyone now has the perfect excuse to book a last-minute plane ticket to come for the celebrations and enjoy them in person, and maybe even participate by jumping into the chilly sea with all of those brave young men! (or remain dry on the beach while cheerleading for their favorite contestant)
But on a serious note, we're continuing our efforts to fix the robotic base for the webcam and hopefully we won't have this problem again in the future.
Good night to all and enjoy the weekend!
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Many thanks, Adilee.
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Have seen on the thassos island forum you may be interested in staying in Panagia. Costas and his family have 2 hotels there, the Elvetia and the Chrissafis. You can check out both on their websites. We stayed in the Elvetia in 2009 when we went for a month out of season. It is basic but clean and comfortable. It is on the main road into Panagia just after the bad bend on rhs.
Like you we have stayed at the Smaragdi many times and are also back on 9th June for our 10th visit.
If you did want to stay in Golden Beach tho, have you considered the Stefanos (next to Finikas and opposite the campsite). We have never stayed there but have been many times for a snack and drink at lunchtime. They are a lovely family that run it and from what I've seen of the inside it is spotless. There are nice gardens to sit in and a bar outside. They are independant and do not have any tour operators assigned to them. Also no hill to climb!!
Hope this is of help
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Julie is right in what she says about Stephanos. Have stayed there ourselves a couple of years ago, Stehanos and Polly are brilliant and their 2 boys George and Antonis, the rooms are spotless, the gardens are beutiful. We are going back there this year in June for a fortnight. If there was any reservation it would be that its opposite the camp site, having said that we have also stayed at the Philipidis a couple of times also opposite the camp and have not found it to be any problem.
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