Paying for a meal
Hi, this may seem a strange question, and i have been coming to thassos for many years, but.. Can anyone remind me the rules for getting change after paying for a meal. Last year i had to request my change as the assumption was that i was leaving a large tip.. I did Google but can't remember the answer. Am i right in thinking you have to request change when paying.. Thanks
You are not right in thinking that. Tipping here is 100% voluntary. Your change should always be brought back to you unless you explicitly tell them otherwise. There is no rule or custom, in Thassos nor in Greece, where you are obliged to tip.
My guess is that there was a misunderstanding which is why you had that experience. The staff may have thought you told them not to bring any change, if not verbally then perhaps with a hand gesture or facial expression. Do you think something like that may have happened?
I normally pay by card, and if I am going to leave a tip I leave it in cash.
As Augie mentioned, Tipping here is 100% voluntary, but it is appreciated.
Some waiters/waitresses will remember you and you will get expedited service.
Hope you have a great holiday