Va multumesc amandorura si, daca mai aveti "pont"-uri pentru luat masa sau orice altceva ce nu trebuie ratat la o prima vizita in Thassos, va citesc cu bucurie.
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Constat ca sunt multi români indragostiti de Thassos. Si eu la fel! Am fost in Potos acum cativa ani si m-am indragostit de insula aceasta si mai ales de culoarea apei. Anul asta o sa mergem in Skala Potamia si vroiam sa va intreb daca sunt supermarket-uri, in afara de cel de la Aloe, unde vom sta noi. Multumesc!
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hei Takk Mann, da, ne simtim bine la Georgia.. Unde e Kamelia? ca nu stiu.... cum arata? Pt Cata: draga mea, uite acum mi-am adus aminte.., cei de la terasa Alexandros, terasa albastra care se afla pe acel mic drum de 5 minute spre plaja, are cea mai buna salata.. si costa anul trecut 5 euro....e bestiala... Pt Ana Maria: sunt 3 supermarketuri chiar langa plaja, preturi ieftine si gasesti de toate... va pup!!!!
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@Julia N-am stat la Semeli niciodata, ci numai la Kamelia, insa este aceeasi `` conducere`` in speta d-na Eleni STOUBOU, hotelul fiind mai in spate,la 10m, in aceeasi curte, cu Hotelul Kamelia; iar daca la Kamelia e super curat, ordonat, totul cu acel simplu fin rafinament de bun gust, cu o atmosfera extrem de destinsa si placuta, nu vad cum la Semeli ar putea fi altfel. Marea diferenta dintre cele doua hoteluri consta in faptul ca Semeli are studiouri iar Kamelia numai camere.
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Au trecut mai bine de 12 ore decind am postat raspunsul pentru tine, raspuns ce continea mai multe detalii si preturi, insa cred ca webmasterul nu i-a dat ok-ul.Pe scurt:58 euro/noapte cu mic dejun inclus, cu avans de 25% si restul la sosire,camera mare la etaj, cu vedere la mare.Incerc sa ma opresc aici in speranta ca acest post va aparea.
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hei takk mann, neata.... multumesc pt vesti... si noi suntem tot pe acolo ca pret (fara cativa euro), dar fara mic dejun, un mic avans inainte, restul acolo... apropo cand pleci in thassos? noi plecam pe 21.07 dimineata...
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Hi there. Just booked a fortnight at Filipidis studios on Golden beach from 9th August. We were there three years ago in June and loved it so much. However, now worried about wasps. We didnt see any last time, but are they a menace in August? Lots of horror stories on the net about Golden Beach and wasps. Anyone been in August - or know what they wasp situation is now?
We were there when the cotton ship wreck was in the bay! Anyone remember that?
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Thassos is amazing. We went out 3 years ago as a couple and stayed with Costas at the Smaragdi on Golden Beach - WOW what a view and what a beach! We are returning next week for a month, this time with our 3 children. We are really excited and looking forward to introducing Thassos to the children! You must go on a drive around the island - the views from every corner are out of this world! We agree with Margaret - you should definitely put Thassos on your 'to do list'!
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Rest assured there are no swarms of wasps surrounding people on Thassos. People have really blown the wasp issue out of proportion. Their number really depends on the time of year, weather conditions, location, and the type of food you're eating...they like meat. For the past two years, we haven't had an issue with them. You may see them, but that's about it.
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that's great news about the wasps. I didnt want it to spoil our holiday. Yours is a beautiful island and we are so excited to be coming back. I understand the 15th august is Assumption Day on the Island. Do you have celebrations? Where is the best to go on that day? We hired a jeep from potos hire in Golden beach before. Are they still there? Should we hire before we come out in case its busy in August?
Cant wait to get there!
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There's no place like Thassos, distant from any place is not far...Skala Potamia or Skala Panagia is in the Golden Beach... we were in 2008 at Limena Thassos at the end of Sept.until Oct.15...It was fantastic And had access to all the beaches, Even Makryamos, there are buses, Taxi, even rent a car... Everybody is nice, polite, kind, with a smile they will love you... I was there also in 1977 and 1979... Sure a lot has change...(Not the kindness of people) but in more modern more facilities, more Hotels...We are going back this year 2009 in Sept. To Gregory Nagoulidis, a gentleman and his beautiful wife Arabella Rodriques, that you can trust with closed eyes... Everyone knows him, if it is for rent a place, or apartment or even buy a place, he has it all... And good fair prices.... Even for a rent a car, he can recommend you a trustfully place... That is the web: or tel.6973399068 or 0030 25930 58406 just ask for Gregory or Arabella and you will have the best time in Thassos... Tell them Marianna & Hans from Canada Laval P.Quebec says Hallo to them... You won't regret it
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hi can anyone update us on the wasp situation, heading out on Sunday 2nd August 09, also how do the transfers work with thomson from kavala airport, as we wouldn't want to lose out on 2 days of holiday transfering!
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Πήγαμε πρώτη φορά στη Θάσο φέτος και μας άρεσε πάρα πολύ. Η θέα από τα περισσότερα μέρη του νησιού είναι απίστευτη! Σκέφτομαστε να την επισκευτούμε και ένα Σαββατοκύριακο στο τέλος του Αυγούστου, κάτι σαν κερασάκι στην τούρτα...
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Niki Apartments are in Skala Panagia. They are fairly new, built in 2008, and they are nice quality accommodations just a 5 minute walk from Golden Beach.
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ma poate ajuta cineva co o informatie? vreau sa merg in Tasshos Skala Potamia in septembrie si la vila Dimitra unde speram sa gasim camera din pacate nu au in acea perioada 10-15 sept. Stie cineva un loc dragut cu camere aceesibile ca pret? Multumesc mult...
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salutare, vad ca cine a fost in iulie in thassos nu a mai postat nici o impresie la intoarcere;sper ca nu este semn de rau augur ! In orice caz sambata suntem in Skala Potamia, la Hotel Kamelia(dna Stoubou), unde sunt convins ca ne vom simti excelent! Hei, ptr cei care v-ati intors de acolo(Thassos)cum mai sta treaba cu albinele si viespile? Noi am fost in 2006 la ioannis golden club si in mod cert erau ceva albine si viespi pe insula. Am fost intr-o zi la pescuit si dupa 30 min am renuntat ptr ca nu puteam sa scot bucatile de momeala din gura viespilor... pur si simplu se certau cu mine pe bucatelele de peste !!!! Si pentru ca cineva vorbea de salate...fratilor, in Grecia salatele sunt excelente...dar langa alte feluri de mancare. Mancati musaca( sau mousaka)in craticioara mica de lut, kleftico tot in lut, xiphia, mancati vitel, ca-n Romania nu va-ntalniti cu o carne atat de frageda, mancati patiserie, beti o bere indigena intr-o "glastra" din aia inghetata, bine'nteles mancati schrimp-si si octopus, beti "retsina" sau un vin al casei intr-o cana de arama, beti uzo cu gheata in el sau tsipuro si la sfarsit un metaxa(grecii nu prea beau dar va spun eu ca merge de milioane cu un trabuc la o terasa pe malul marii in Skala Potamia in compania potrivita)TRAIASCA TAVERNA , JOS ALL INCLUSIV-UL. Nu ma intrebati, sunt indragostit de insula asta! Si daca vreti sa mancati, mergeti in Limenas pe straduta aia mica si inghesuita cu felinare in forma de flori unde nu stii unde se termina o taverna si unde incepe alta(cea cu restaurantul TWINS).Am mancat excelent si la a doua sau a treia terasa (pe vremea aia)pe dreapta aleii care trece prin spatele plajei din SKALA POTAMIA, venind dinspre portul de pescari. A, si mergeti si sus in Panaghia... aaah, mai bine nu mergeti, ca daca va uitati in vitrinele rotiseriilor de acolo va paste infarctul !!!! Dar si cu infarctul cred ca e bine, ca POATE RAIUL E IN THASSOS !!!!!
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Constat ca sunt multi români indragostiti de Thassos. Si eu la fel!
Anul asta o sa mergem in Skala Potamia si vroiam sa va intreb daca sunt supermarket-uri, in afara de cel de la Aloe, unde vom sta noi.
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Pt Cata: draga mea, uite acum mi-am adus aminte..
Pt Ana Maria: sunt 3 supermarketuri chiar langa plaja, preturi ieftine si gasesti de toate...
va pup!!!!
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Abia astept sa ajug si sa pap branza feta adevarata si iaurturile alea in castron de pamant, care sunt o nebunie. Salivez deja!
Concediu placut tuturor!
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A stat cineva la Semeli?
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uite aici e Kamelia:
si arata super:
N-am stat la Semeli niciodata, ci numai la Kamelia, insa este aceeasi `` conducere`` in speta d-na Eleni STOUBOU, hotelul fiind mai in spate,la 10m, in aceeasi curte, cu Hotelul Kamelia; iar daca la Kamelia e super curat, ordonat, totul cu acel simplu fin rafinament de bun gust, cu o atmosfera extrem de destinsa si placuta, nu vad cum la Semeli ar putea fi altfel. Marea diferenta dintre cele doua hoteluri consta in faptul ca Semeli are studiouri iar Kamelia numai camere.
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wow...takk mann, kamelia arata bestial, cred ca am idee pe unde e...
ca preturi sunt ok? ai ceva inclus in pret, mic dejun?
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Imi poate spune cineva unde pot gasi o camera cu bucatarie (chicineta), in Golden Beach, la un pret normal?
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Au trecut mai bine de 12 ore decind am postat raspunsul pentru tine, raspuns ce continea mai multe detalii si preturi, insa cred ca webmasterul nu i-a dat ok-ul.Pe scurt:58 euro/noapte cu mic dejun inclus, cu avans de 25% si restul la sosire,camera mare la etaj, cu vedere la mare.Incerc sa ma opresc aici in speranta ca acest post va aparea.
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I have published all comments for the Skala Potamia page.
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Vacante placute si sa auzim numai de bine.
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multumesc pt vesti...
apropo cand pleci in thassos? noi plecam pe 21.07 dimineata...
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We were there when the cotton ship wreck was in the bay! Anyone remember that?
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Thassos is amazing. We went out 3 years ago as a couple and stayed with Costas at the Smaragdi on Golden Beach - WOW what a view and what a beach! We are returning next week for a month, this time with our 3 children. We are really excited and looking forward to introducing Thassos to the children! You must go on a drive around the island - the views from every corner are out of this world! We agree with Margaret - you should definitely put Thassos on your 'to do list'!
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Rest assured there are no swarms of wasps surrounding people on Thassos. People have really blown the wasp issue out of proportion. Their number really depends on the time of year, weather conditions, location, and the type of food you're eating...they like meat. For the past two years, we haven't had an issue with them. You may see them, but that's about it.
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that's great news about the wasps. I didnt want it to spoil our holiday. Yours is a beautiful island and we are so excited to be coming back. I understand the 15th august is Assumption Day on the Island. Do you have celebrations? Where is the best to go on that day? We hired a jeep from potos hire in Golden beach before. Are they still there? Should we hire before we come out in case its busy in August?
Cant wait to get there!
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Imported Comment from previous version
we were in 2008 at Limena Thassos at the end of Sept.until Oct.15...It was fantastic
Everybody is nice, polite, kind, with a smile they will love you... I was there also in 1977 and 1979... Sure a lot has change...(Not the kindness of people) but in more modern more facilities, more Hotels...We are going back this year 2009 in Sept. To Gregory Nagoulidis, a gentleman and his beautiful wife Arabella Rodriques, that you can trust with closed eyes... Everyone knows him, if it is for rent a place, or apartment or even buy a place, he has it all... And good fair prices.... Even for a rent a car, he can recommend you a trustfully place... That is the web: or tel.6973399068 or 0030 25930 58406 just ask for Gregory or Arabella and you will have the best time in Thassos... Tell them Marianna & Hans from Canada Laval P.Quebec says Hallo to them... You won't regret it
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Niki Apartments are in Skala Panagia. They are fairly new, built in 2008, and they are nice quality accommodations just a 5 minute walk from Golden Beach.
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vreau sa merg in Tasshos Skala Potamia in septembrie si la vila Dimitra unde speram sa gasim camera din pacate nu au in acea perioada 10-15 sept. Stie cineva un loc dragut cu camere aceesibile ca pret? Multumesc mult...
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Imported Comment from previous version
vad ca cine a fost in iulie in thassos nu a mai postat nici o impresie la intoarcere;sper ca nu este semn de rau augur !
In orice caz sambata suntem in Skala Potamia, la Hotel Kamelia(dna Stoubou), unde sunt convins ca ne vom simti excelent!
Hei, ptr cei care v-ati intors de acolo(Thassos)cum mai sta treaba cu albinele si viespile? Noi am fost in 2006 la ioannis golden club si in mod cert erau ceva albine si viespi pe insula. Am fost intr-o zi la pescuit si dupa 30 min am renuntat ptr ca nu puteam sa scot bucatile de momeala din gura viespilor... pur si simplu se certau cu mine pe bucatelele de peste !!!!
Si pentru ca cineva vorbea de salate...fratilor, in Grecia salatele sunt excelente...dar langa alte feluri de mancare. Mancati musaca( sau mousaka)in craticioara mica de lut, kleftico tot in lut, xiphia, mancati vitel, ca-n Romania nu va-ntalniti cu o carne atat de frageda, mancati patiserie, beti o bere indigena intr-o "glastra" din aia inghetata, bine'nteles mancati schrimp-si si octopus, beti "retsina" sau un vin al casei intr-o cana de arama, beti uzo cu gheata in el sau tsipuro si la sfarsit un metaxa(grecii nu prea beau dar va spun eu ca merge de milioane cu un trabuc la o terasa pe malul marii in Skala Potamia in compania potrivita)TRAIASCA TAVERNA , JOS ALL INCLUSIV-UL.
Nu ma intrebati, sunt indragostit de insula asta!
Si daca vreti sa mancati, mergeti in Limenas pe straduta aia mica si inghesuita cu felinare in forma de flori unde nu stii unde se termina o taverna si unde incepe alta(cea cu restaurantul TWINS).Am mancat excelent si la a doua sau a treia terasa (pe vremea aia)pe dreapta aleii care trece prin spatele plajei din SKALA POTAMIA, venind dinspre portul de pescari. A, si mergeti si sus in Panaghia... aaah, mai bine nu mergeti, ca daca va uitati in vitrinele rotiseriilor de acolo va paste infarctul !!!! Dar si cu infarctul cred ca e bine, ca POATE RAIUL E IN THASSOS !!!!!
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