Live Webcam at Golden Beach, Thassos - Page 9

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Live Webcam at Golden Beach, Thassos



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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286

    Left review on Thomsons website - hope you like it? Thanks for a great week 10th May. Hope to see you next year. Blue Bay is beautiful.

    PS hate the webcam - don't want others watching me relaxing - especially when you are travelling incognito - not a good idea - very intrusive on what should be a private relaxing personal chill out holiday. Get rid of it - there are enough pics on the web - no need for it.

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    • By: Derbyshire
    • On: 20 June 2009 at 10:06am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286

    Does anyone know what exchange rate you can get in Thassos for the Euro?? I know it's only 1.13 here in the UK and I generally change at Gregory's Jewellers in Thassos Town/Limenas.

    Many thanks.

    Roll on Sunday 28th June.

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    • By: Vicky
    • On: 21 June 2009 at 1:52am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    Hi Dose any one no if they still got a wasp problem?

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    • By: Robin Wood
    • On: 21 June 2009 at 1:03pm
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    Hello to all. I'm planning on visiting thassos for the first time this summer and i'v got a couple of questions about golden beach. Is it suitible for small chilren? Does it get very windy like most of the nothern aegean islands? Are the waters still or are there waves? and last, how is the nightlife there?
    Thanks in advance for your answers.

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    • By: dimi
    • On: 21 June 2009 at 7:13pm
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    yes golden beach is suitable for young children,it doesn't get too windy generally and the sea is normally quite calm,sometimes a bit rougher but nothing too for nightlife it isn't a problem.there are no wild bars or clubs.this is a calm and relaxing resort.hope you enjoy your visit.

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    • By: hollysami
    • On: 22 June 2009 at 5:58am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    Oh dear, where has the sunshine gone???? It hasn't looked nice for the last couple of days now and I don't think the forecast for the next few days is good either. :(

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    • By: Vicky
    • On: 25 June 2009 at 8:07am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    MMMm I too have been keeping an eye on the weather and thought exactly the same - is this normal weather for Thassos - coming myself in 2 weeks and will be distraught if its like that all the time - someone please tell me the weather is to pick up

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    • By: Nikki K
    • On: 25 June 2009 at 8:59am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    Hi everyone, We are arriving in Thassos this Sunday, the weather does not look very good, does anyone know what the forecast is, please help.

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    • By: Steve & Marg
    • On: 25 June 2009 at 12:21pm
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    Hi coming to Thassos very soon very worried about the weather........ :-S

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    • By: Summer
    • On: 26 June 2009 at 4:49am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    the weather forecast looks bad for the coming days >:P But the sun will shine on you again from next wednesday according to the latest 16 day forecast I've seen B-)
    Only 53 days left now!

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    • By: saganaki
    • On: 26 June 2009 at 5:56am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286

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    • By: Takk Mann
    • On: 26 June 2009 at 8:09am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    Weather forecast according to Weather Underground is much better from Monday (here's the link if the webmaster allows it:

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    • By: Matthew
    • On: 26 June 2009 at 11:45am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    Thank you Matthew, Takk Mann and Saganaki
    The forecast does look better for next week, I hope it is right.
    Anyway we still look forward to being there.

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    • By: Steve & Marg
    • On: 26 June 2009 at 2:45pm
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    We just came this morning from Thassos, Skala Panagia, Vila Soti. Webmaster, thanks... you told me only the truth! :)

    It's a life worthy, most beautiful experience in my (touristic) life, starting from beach, air, sky, honey, wine, tsipuro, and moving to food, plants, views, roads, churches, apartments, villages... and most of all... there are some nice greek people, which is not very much language skilled (God bless you!), but all of them very kind, polite, culture and frindly.

    Many greetings to "Lullaby Beach Net Cafe" in Skala Panagia, especially to Ilija and Đorđe (Illios, Jorgos... and miss Beatrice too)! Love you, my friends!

    Also, many thanks to (National) friend Antonis from Limenaria... for a great little car rent and all of support!

    To anyone here... i'm new, raw and willing to help you with advices and experience! keep up this island most precious place on Aegean Sea and Balkans!

    See you next year!

    Pozdrav! Živela Grčka i Srbija!

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    • By: Ton_majstor
    • On: 4 July 2009 at 3:34am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    Greetings to Golden beach from sunny Germany. Just spoke to my sister by phone who arrived some hours ago on Thassos for the first time in her life. She told me that it definitely was a very well advice to send her to Golden Beach. I am sitting at home - looking at the webcam and ask myself why I did not manage to be there actually as well. So, sister and friend - enjoy yourself and have a great time - I am watching you ... lol

    Dr. Bird
    keep on rocking

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    • By: Dr. Bird
    • On: 7 July 2009 at 7:29am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    we received a nice offer from Thomai, the problem is we didn't find any info on this hotel, any photo and we don't want any unpleasant "surprises".
    Has anyone been there? Do you know smomething about this hotel? Can we trust?

    thanks !

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    • By: Alina
    • On: 6 July 2009 at 5:32am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286

    Hope someone can answer this for me a.s.a.p We are coming to Thassos this Sunday, stopping at Golden Beach - could anyone tell me if they accept Visa Card payments in Golden Beach?

    Many thanks

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    • By: Nikki
    • On: 10 July 2009 at 11:54am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    Came back on Sunday :( - what a lovely holiday we had and what a beautiful place Golden Beach is

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    • By: Nikki
    • On: 30 July 2009 at 11:58am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    Can't wait to come again... counting the days...

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    • By: Radu
    • On: 8 August 2009 at 12:38pm
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    Hi.One week until we get back to golden are the wasps this year.?

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    • By: Bob
    • On: 9 August 2009 at 11:54am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    Dear webmaster,
    tried to catch a view on the watersports station for a while now. Can you manage to show it from time to time?

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    • By: Philippa
    • On: 9 August 2009 at 12:05pm
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    >:P I am trying to book to stay at Smaragdi Golden beach for next year and am having great difficulty.anyone know what Thomsons are playing at ? Others suggestions welcome.Thanks.

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    • By: hollysammy
    • On: 17 August 2009 at 3:10am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286

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    • On: 20 August 2009 at 3:07am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    Could it be possible to hear the background sound of the see when watching this webcam? That would be so great! :):):)


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    • By: Cleo
    • On: 24 August 2009 at 4:26am
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    Go-Thassos WebsiteGo-Thassos Website Administrator Posts: 2,286
    Abia astept sa vina 10 septembrie, sa pun din nou piciorul pe insula (pentru a 4 a oara) si sa incerc marea cu degetele... :)

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    • By: Crinutz
    • On: 4 September 2009 at 7:20am
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