Bus stops on Thassos

in General
Hello, I have found the bus schedule for Thasos. However, I do not find a map or information about the bus stops across the island. Can anyone tell me how I can find out where the bus stops are? It is not on google maps. In addition, do busses stop at several places during their route? For example, does the bus between Golden Beach and Limenas stop elsewhere too or does it goe straight to Limenas? I am looking forward to your replies and help. Thank you very much! Best regards
Bus stops are usually marked along the road with a sign. However, you can hail the bus (lift your arm in the air) and request the bus to stop and pick you up anywhere along its route just as long as there is no curve nearby, meaning that the road must be straight in order for the bus to be able to stop safely. Most bus routes go along the ring road of Thassos.
I believe the bus between Golden Beach and Limenas stops in Panagia, Potamia, and Skala Potamia. Please ask the bus station to confirm, their phone number is posted on the bus schedule.
Another way is taking the 'Around the Island via Panagia' bus that leaves Limenas and passes by Golden Beach. This bus goes clockwise around the island. Please speak with the bus station to confirm times and options.
Also They don't seem to stick to the timetable we missed one because it was early and then waited 2 hrs for the next which was late.
Here's what the buses look like:
The drivers try their best to keep to the schedule but heavy traffic can cause delays. I recommend being at the bus stop 10 minutes early in case the bus arrives ahead of schedule. They don't stop and wait because that would block traffic.
A few years back, a cousin of mine used the bus every day between Skala Potamia and Limenas. One day in August, she told me the bus was full and it drove past her without stopping. She had to wait for the next one.