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JohnnyQJohnnyQ Member (+) Posts: 8
I would like to pay my sympathy to the passing away of a dear friend to mine Val who has just passed away. I’m sure a lot more visitors remember Val. My deepest sympathy goes to Vals family. Val had a leather goods shop I’m not sure of the street name where his shop now but he first started at a shop which was positioned in between two bars by the names of Anonymous and Full Moon bars which are no longer. So sorry to hear this sad news. I’m going to miss you Val you’ll be sadly missed 😢😢 GOD BLESS YOU 🤧


  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Val moved to Thassos like so many others because it's paradise on Earth. Now he moved on to the next paradise. He was a jolly good man and will be deeply missed in this one.

    Rest in peace, Val!
  • juliebjulieb Member (+) Posts: 27
    Really sad to hear this news about Val. We always paid a visit to his leather lane and were only in there a couple of weeks ago buying a new wallet for my husband. He was always very pleasant and helpful, although this year we didn’t see him. It was his wife who is just as nice. He will be sadly missed.
  • JaneWJaneW Member Posts: 9
    So sad to hear this news. I remember when he had his shop near the port, leather goods and a lending library. Close to a wonderful coffee stop run by Persephone, Visited him last year in a smaller shop, where he requested pork pies and marmite on our next visit😊. Sympathies to his family. A lovely man.
  • thommo1thommo1 Member Posts: 1
    Just found this site.Glad I did so the warrior has gone to the better place.First met Val in 1987 b4 he had leatherlane he used to work in big shop on corner of 18 oktovriou and Archeoloikdo Scholiss.With his friend who worked at a University in uk.He then moved to shop in 18 Octovriou by Aussie Mark at the full moon.
    I remember staying here one year and being bitten to death by the mossies.
    Reading the last comment on bringing pork pies mine was tea bags plus the occasional electric drill and planer.
    I had many happy of Thassos Val and the gang I was went every year from 1987 to 1996 also introducing my friend Simon to Thassos who then went on with consecutive visits unfortunately he has passed away in this year.
    Many happy memories of both going out on vals boat .Barbecue .Having a fish lunch of sardines helped down by bottles of Retsina .YAMMAS
  • LindaLinda Member Posts: 1
    I have only just found out that Val has passed - what a wonderful man, such great memories, his wicked sense of humour, the glint in his eyes, his great personality with his customers in Leather Lane kept people returning for years.

    Boat trips to Helga's Beach, condiments hidden in caves, Kodak containers used for cool boxes. I used to take him PG Tips and always celery for Wardolf Salad. His lovely garden with Sweet Peas and Peppers.

    What wonderful memories he has left for his friends to cherish. It was an honour to have met and known Val. God Bless.
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