Bus from Kavala to Keramoti

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Bus from Kavala to Keramoti

Could someone please confirm that there is a bus from Kavala to Keramoti? I've found a schedule on KTEL's website, but I've read on a forum that buses don't stop in Keramoti. Does anybody know how long the bus takes? Also, is the schedule for the ferry from Keramoti to Limenas up to date on the Thassos website? It seems more frequent than when I look it up on the ferry web page.


  • DelboyDelboy Member (+) Posts: 359
    do you mean Kavala Airport or city ?
  • DelboyDelboy Member (+) Posts: 359
    Ferry timetable ramps up in the summertime and looks about right to me, they run about every 45 mins. Also if you are in Kavala City there is the new flying Dophin service that has started up. I don't know of their success but it may save you a bus journey as the dolphin goes to Thassos town. Augie may be able to give you info on it
  • AxelleAxelle Member Posts: 5
    Thank you for your answers. I mean Kavala city. I'll be taking the bus from Thessaloniki to Kavala and wanted to catch the ferry in Keramoti. I though the Flying Dolphin had stopped running? It started again ? Does it go straight to Thassos town/Limenas ?
  • DelboyDelboy Member (+) Posts: 359
    edited June 2019
    Hi Axelle
    It started again this year after a bit of a hiccup but Augie will advise you if all is well now with it.
    As not used it to comment only read about it

    Count down 16 posts on here to read about it
  • AxelleAxelle Member Posts: 5
    Hi Delboy,
    Could you please tell me the name of the post because I can't find any info in the one I found 16 posts below or around there.
  • DelboyDelboy Member (+) Posts: 359
    hope this works but read down to the bottom of it where the services starts up this year

  • DelboyDelboy Member (+) Posts: 359
    also there appears to be an hourly bus service to Keramoti taking 1 hour 9 mins

  • AxelleAxelle Member Posts: 5
    Thank you. I'll call the KTEL office in Kavala to confirm tomorrow. I can't find the timetable for the hydrofoil after May 15.
  • AxelleAxelle Member Posts: 5
    Oops, sorry I found the timetable
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hey Axelle :)

    Are you all set now with your travel plan, or do you still need some help/advice?
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