Videos inspired by Thassos eternal beauty

Taken on Alyki, at old Byzantine marble quarry, just a little above the sea kiss.
Somewhat phantasmagoric and emotionally coloured one-scene film, depicting my flow of thoughts on that marvelous place.
Music: "Сунце/Helios/Sun" by Dark Stanton, DNS Recordings (c) 2013.
"Плава обала/γαλάζια Ακτή/Blue Coast"
One blue morning on emerald island.
Video: DNS Recordings (c)
Music: Sokratis Malamas (c)
"Старо Егејско море/αρχαία Αιγαίο/Old Aegean Sea"
One inspirational sunset over (olive?) "oily" sea. Port of Limenas.
Video: DNS Recordings (c)
Music: "Old Castle" by Dark Stanton (c)
This is excellent site with many useful informations, and I'll be happy to help you, by any means. So, there will be more videos, photos and destination descriptions in near future. I'm sorry that we won't see you this year, but we stay in hope that we will soon. However, Thassos is beautiful not only in summer, there are three other seasons.
Greetings to you good people at "Go Thassos" company, we love you, all!
Darko, Lilly and Nikola.
First, tell me what OS and browser you're using, and how old are your computer? Maybe model or some specs, if you know that?
Sometimes it's enough to update to newest Adobe Flash Player or Flash plugin, here: http://get2.adobe.com/flashplayer/
Keep in mind that these are HD videos, and they are usually resource hungry, both in hardware and internet access speed.
I'll help you if I can, but this "remote assistance" can be tricky job.
Have a good night.
"Тасоски делфини/δελφίνια από τη Θάσο/Thassian Dolphins"
Shots taken from platform in front of "Iris Gold" factory, Limenaria.
Sorry for the quality, that was my old camera. But, the moment is right.
Video: DNS Recordings (c)
Music: Vangelis - "Dream Of The Surf" (c)
Recorded up in the hills over our beloved village of Sotiras.
This short film is depicting (or trying to) historical heritage of Christianity, connected to us firmly on Thassos, where we Believers have full implement of it to choose and watch, nevermind details about confessions.
Video: DNS Recordings (c)
Audio: Serbian medieval orthodox chant - "Hail, All Ye Gods!" (XIV century)
I'll try to correct all this in next few days and weeks.
Stay close.
"Fast Circle Around Thassos 2010-2013."
"Thassos dolphins"
One warm evening over Stelakis beach, Limenaria.
(please, switch to HD whenever you can)
Filmed at Aliki, on ancient Byzantine marble quarry, now half-drowned.
One vision, one inspiration, one island. Full heart.
"To One Woman" / "Једној жени"
Filmed at Skala Sotiros, Western Thassos.
Trying to catch small details that many of us may missed.
Film is part/a song from my music album "Planetarium", released 2014. worldwide.
Song: "Europa" (one of the Jupiter's moons and Greek deity).
Depicting one beautiful sunset over Thassos, Port Of Limenas.
Across the straight is Greek province of Trache/Θράκη/Тракија, old city of Kavala, and Balkan peninsula. Oldest parts of ancient Southern Europe.
Some beautiful vistas of Thassos. Nevermind Serbian captions, you all know the beauty.
Sorrow for Thassos. Longing to be there.
And some olives... btw.
Well, finally some positive emotions!
THE BEST beach on Thassos. Period.
Some vines and grapes, in early September.
And here are Oleanders... cicades, birds and Vivaldi.
Some waves... and my Chopin.
View from monastery terrace.