Kavala airport taxis to Keramoti

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Kavala airport taxis to Keramoti

Hi Augie

A friend is landing at Kavala and needs to get a taxi to Keramoti are there taxi's outside the airport? or a bus? Thank you


  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    edited May 2024
    Hi Ashlyn :)

    Unfortunately, there's no bus service between the airport and Keramoti. Your friend will need to take a taxi. There are taxis parked outside of the airport but they are limited in numbers so I never risk it, I always book in advance just to be on the safe side.

    I highly recommend booking an airport taxi directly with the taxi driver in order to be certain that there will be a taxi waiting for her, also for more personalized service and of course the best price.

    Find their contact details by visiting the link below!

  • itsinmysoulitsinmysoul Member Posts: 33
    Thankyou I have passed on the details to my friend
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