Exists same website for other places like for beautiful Thassos?

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Exists same website for other places like for beautiful Thassos?

EvgheniEvgheni Member Posts: 5
I like very much Thassos, we come there every summer already 7 years, and i'm sure we will come again, but i think will be great to visit another places in Greece.
Maybe exists same helpful websites for other great places in Greece like Thassos?
Do you know?


  • itsinmysoulitsinmysoul Member Posts: 33
    I have been to many other islands but for me ...Thassos is unique - have been here 11 times and coming back again this year..I wish I could live here.
  • frenchiefrenchie Member Posts: 21
    To answer Evegheni.. There are many other sites for most of the Greek islands, but what makes this site so special - and thus unique - is the dedicated team of young professionals who work so hard all year round to provide the best possible experience for everyone. For all the Thassophiles and all of the businesses who help make Thassos so special and use the site as the window for their services. The Go Thassos team are special, and gifted (as well as generous in spirit) and believe in the best possible future for the island and all tourists, residents and the summer population.
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