Warning: Fake "Olis" olive oil
Today I learned with sadness a popular brand name me and friends was buying for the last 3 year is fake! Mixed with SEED OIL! Shame on them! I will never buy "Olis" olive oil ever again and everybody should know about dishonest business! I visit Thassos every one or too years and always loved olive oil produced there because it is excellent quality. Please be careful when you buy! I know I will. I feel conned!
Here is local news article my friend send me:
Here is where "Olis" location:
Here is local news article my friend send me:
Here is where "Olis" location:
This one here : https://www.google.com/maps/place/SOTIRELIS+OLIVE+OIL+MUSEUM+EST+1915+PANAGIA+THASSOS/@40.730952,24.7298209,280m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x14aef2bb007646e7:0xe22cf7fc6e8dd36c!8m2!3d40.7308877!4d24.7295952
He got some fines from Greek government about 50 000 euros if i remember correctly, at least 1 time. He sold more olive oil than the whole Island produces by faking it, because he is using his historical advantage of his great grandfathers - he owns a factory museum that is known in all Greece, the one of only two still standing, a very old olive oil machine factory on a river (the other one is in Crete if i remember correctly). So he does not need advertisement for the museum and uses the museum's fame to sell oil that he makes in his other new factory. But it is fake oil.
Some locals i know, when they go to him to make their own olive oil from their own olives, they stay during the whole process just to make sure he does not put something else in it. The factory owner takes 10% of all the oil that is processed as payment, then it dilutes it heavily, adds other stuff in it and sells tons of fake oil. Seed oil from crushing the seeds of olives is toxic and illegal to sell in Greece to humans and sunflower oil is used to control acidity but makes the product a fake one.
People should avoid both producer OLIS & SOTIRELIS.
Usually Italian Mafia buys all crushed seed oil & extra virgin oil from Greece - fakes it - and re-labels it as extra virgin oil, then send it all to Germany.
I think SOTIRELIS went to the authorities and denounced OLIS maybe for revenge. But both are crooks.
"EFET demanded the immediate recall / withdrawal of all the specific batches from the above products, from the internal market and the relevant controls are already underway. It also urges consumers who have already purchased these products not to consume them."
If you want good oil from Thassos either find a local who stays & watches the factory people while he makes the olive oil or a better solution you can find at LIDL from Chrysoupoli / Χρυσούπολη , near Thassos - extra virgin olive oil from Crete - Xania Kritis - which is region and brand checked.
Now a new LIDL is under-work in Limenas Thassos, so you will find it there too.
Crete olive trees are different species and have much more powerful smell than Thassian olive trees. However i agree we should support local production of Thassos, so if anyone knows real producers of extra virgin oil please list them below.
And when you find fakes, report them to authorities.
Sorry @IvanP for your sad experiences.
Please please pleeeaasssee include reputable sources when you make statements like the ones you made about Sotirelis.
Ivan included a news article from a reputable national news source (SKAI news) as proof that what he wrote is a fact and not a matter of opinion or gossip. Could you please provide links to official sources as well?
Thank you for helping us keep this forum insightful with reliable, fact-based (and checked) information.