PLF question

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PLF question


Would appreciate some further advice please. Thanks again for your help with the information regarding the number of passengers in a taxi.

There was a worrying article on the BBC news today regarding a family stopped from boarding at Gatwick due to an issue with their Passenger Locator Form (PLF)

Holiday shock: 'We were stopped from boarding our Greece flight' - BBC News

Slightly concerned, as we are travelling from Gatwick to Thessaloniki shortly (then onward to Thassos) and will be completing the PLF/PLF’s soon and would appreciate some advice regarding the number of forms required.

We are travelling as a family (2 adults and our 19 year old daughter). Technically our daughter is an adult, but should she complete her own form (and separate forms for my wife and myself too) or would we be treated as a family?

The guidance (link and narrative below) indicates that “All travelers must complete their PLF” whereas it also advises “
One PLF should be submitted per family”

Should we complete a PLF each or just one PLF?

“The Passenger Locator Form (PLF) is a key element in the planning. All travelers must complete their PLF unt il the day before entering the country, providing detailed information on their point of departure, the duration of previous stays in other countries, and the address of their stay while in Greece. In case of multiple stays, they are required to provide the address for the first 24 hours at least. One PLF should be submitted per family.”

Thank you in advance for your help.


  • GangoGango Member (+) Posts: 38
    We fly from Manchester soon with Ryanair and have the same concern. Ryanair site seems to imply each passenger must have one, but as you say the link to the PLF states clearly only one form per family
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi PhilD :)

    You only must complete one form for your entire family. The form will include every family member's name on it. Officially, Greece is requesting families to complete a single form for the group. This way, you share the same QR code amongst each other. The QR code is what's used to determine if you will be selected for sample testing. IF your QR code is randomly selected, the entire family will be tested together. Since you're all traveling and staying together, it makes most sense this way.
  • thaisthais Member Posts: 12
    Hello, I don't know what happened with that person, it's very simple and straightforward including info at Ryan air website. My husband fill out one form only and put me under his name because "we are a family". There was no issue with Ryan air nor immigrant officers. Hope that helps, it's a lovely journey and we are enjoying a lot our time here.
  • GangoGango Member (+) Posts: 38
    Hi yes I was one of the concerned people but we are here and all went very smoothly. The ambiguous wording on the Ryanair website looks to have been amended now; in fact I can't find it at all - just the link directly to the PLF. There were reports in the British media about airlines interpreting the rules differently, despite the Greek authorities stating one PLF per household and denying people boarding, hence people worrying. But we made it and Thassos is as beautiful as ever!
  • PhilDPhilD Member Posts: 4
    Arrived today, very easy journey via Thessaloniki, no problem with one PLF. great to be back in Limenaria
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