
Home Places on Thassos


HI Augie,

We are traveling to Thassos and arriving Sunday. We are thinking about staying at Alsos Bungalows in Kinira - looks like such a nice place to stay. We like quiet, but would like to be around some kind of settlement - as in, that there is life there after the season has finished - a market, cafe, taverna, people, etc. but still quiet. Does Kinira fall into this category of there being some residents living there at this time of year?

Or, if not, what area might we stay that isn't a big town - more like a village - where we could rent a little house like Alsos - and is as near the water? Any suggestions? Thanks so for your help!



  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hi Sydney :)

    Yes, I would say that Kinira definitely falls into this category.

    A few other locations that would fall under that category, in my opinion, are Skala Maries, Skala Rachoni, and Dasilio Prinos. All of these locations are ideal for a quiet holiday like the one you described.
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