Rewiews about Melina Studios&Villa

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Rewiews about Melina Studios&Villa

Hello! Someone can help us with some rewiews about MELINA STUDIO & VILLA from Limenas? (it is not VILLA MELINA from Kinira)


  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hello Andreea!

    Do you mean Melina Studios & Villa in Skala Potamia?
  • andreeapopaandreeapopa Member Posts: 2
    Yes! The one near Golden beach.
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi Andreea,

    I've never stayed there as a guest so unfortunately I can't give you feedback from this perspective.

    However, I do know that the property is modern with a beautiful sea view. The road to the property is a dirt road (not asphalt) because this is a relatively new area of Skala Potamia.

    I wish I could help more. :)
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