Как лучше добраться с аэропорта Кавала до Лименарии?

in Русский
Здравствуйте! Хотел бы узнать как лучше добраться от Аэропорта Кавалы в Лименарию. Как я выяснил, лучше это делать через паром Керамоти. Но как добраться с аэропорта до парома так и не нашел, кроме как на такси. Помогите пожалуйста, может ходит какой то автобус рейсовый.
I used Google Translate to understand your question:
What is the best way to get from Kavala airport to Limenaria?
Hello! I would like to know how best to get from Kavala Airport to Limenaria. As I found out, it's best to do this through Keramoti ferry. But how to get from the airport to the ferry and could not find, except by taxi. Help please, maybe it's a bus that runs.
The only way to get to Keramoti from Kavala's airport is by Taxi. It's a 10 minute ride and it costs 20 euros per taxi (max. 4 people).
Once your ferry arrives in Limenas (Thassos), walk across the street to the bus station. From there, you can take a bus to Limenaria.
The route you will want to take is the 1st on the list.
The ferry schedule for after 17 September hasn't been released yet, either. Visit this link on 18 September.