Internet access on my iPad

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Internet access on my iPad

NevorianaNevoriana Member (+) Posts: 1
I'm on holiday on Thasos during the second half of May and would like to use my iPad Mini for route finding with Google Earth when walking in the mountains. Is this realistic, and which carrier might give the best 2G or 3G coverage? I've been given to believe that Vodaphone is good but not the only provider, but mountains and adequate signal don't really go together. Which carrier should I buy a SIM from? Local Advice would be appreciated.


  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 842
    edited May 2016
    Hi Nevoriana,

    That's an excellent question!

    There are 2 major mobile network companies you could choose from:

    1) Vodafone
    2) Cosmote

    Both offer pretty good 3G coverage on Thassos. I personally use Cosmote which I find reliable all around the island. You're right to assume that some areas in the mountains have no coverage. It's hard to tell where exactly the 'dead zones' are by looking at the coverage maps on Vodefone's and Cosmote's websites... unfortunately they don't allow you to zoom in the map to see the coverage of Thassos in great detail. Here are the links to the maps:



    Here's a suggestion for you: Download and save the map of Thassos on your iPad for offline use. This way when you hit a 'dead zone' while exploring the mountains, you'll still be able to use the map, regardless of if you have an internet connection or not. Does that make sense?

    I hope this info is helpful!
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