Thessaloniki to Thassos without car

Booking for next July (2 people). Flight arrives at 11.30am & return flight leaves at 12.05pm Could someone advise the best way to get to and from Limenas, do not want to hire a car as will get a bike on the island. What would a taxi cost to Keramoti?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
Express takes 2 hours. Once in Kavala make your way down to the port (10 minute walk) and jump on next ferry to Prinos (island bus stops by harbour in Prinos so you can go wherever you like on the island, or there is a taxi rank)
I had to take a taxi recently from Kavala to Thessaloniki and was charged 130 Euros ( would be more to keramoti)
On the way back you'll need to leave island a day early and reverse the journey but stay in hotel in Thessaloniki the night before. Can recommend Ambassador or Royal.
Hope this helps. Have done the journey loads if times. Very easy.
- Enjoy your trip