Taxis at Thessaloniki

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Taxis at Thessaloniki


We are coming on 9th September arriving at Thessaloniki.

Do you know if the taxi's that wait outside are cheaper than pre-booking one please...we just want to travel for 20 minutes.

Thank you for your time :):)


  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    That would depend on through whom you pre-book. Are you pre-booking directly with a taxi driver or through an agency/company? From my experience, pre-booking a taxi (directly) is usually the same price but sometimes cheaper than taking a taxi that's waiting outside of the airport. Pre-booking through agencies may actually cost more.
  • itsinmysoulitsinmysoul Member Posts: 33
    Hi Augie

    Thankyou for your reply ... We are now wanting to get a taxi from Pefka hotel in Thessaloniki and be brought to Golden Beach ... can you recommend the best way to do this?

    We have asked Potos Taxi's but wondered if you could recommend any other companies?

    I do understand you may not be allowed to 'advertise' on here.

  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi Ashlyn :)

    I recommend booking a second taxi that will wait for you at the ferry port in Limenas and take you to your final destination in Golden Beach. If you booked one of these taxis from Thessaloniki to Keramoti, they will be able to arrange a taxi for you with someone within their network. This is a reliable, economical, and hassle-free way of doing it.

    You may also contact and book directly a taxi driver in the Limenas/Golden Beach area. I'll private message you the contact details of a few that I know, ok?
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