Maximum car height for ferry access

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Maximum car height for ferry access

How can I find the maximum admissible car height for ferries from Keramoti? I travel with a luggage box on top of the car and I'm afraid that it could be too high.

Best Answer

  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Answer ✓
    I just spoke with someone working at one of the ferry companies and she told me that the max. height is around 4 meters (or a bit higher). Does your luggage box go higher than 4 meters?


  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi there :)

    Trucks and buses easily fit on the ferry. If your luggage box on top of the car goes higher than a bus or a truck, it will probably still fit on the ferry.

  • corneliucimpeanucorneliucimpeanu Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the quick answer. I boarded the ferry a few times and always seemed to be directed under the main deck. That's where I have doubts about the maximum height
  • corneliucimpeanucorneliucimpeanu Member Posts: 3
    No, at 4 meters, there's plenty of room to spare :D
    Thanks a lot for your help
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    You're welcome! :)
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