Best ferry route to Thassos

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Best ferry route to Thassos

SueMSueM Member Posts: 7
Hello. I am staying in Kavala and travelling on to Thassos on 4 September. Do we have to travel to Keramoti or is there a more direct option. Thank you


  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    edited March 2023
    Hi SueM :)

    You can take the ferry from Kavala to Thassos. There are fewer crossings on this route but it might be more convenient for you, especially without a car.

    If you have a car, going to Keramoti is a good option because there are many more crossings throughout the day and night.

    From Kavala, the ferry takes 75 min. to Skala Prinos, Thassos.

    From Keramoti, the ferry takes 35 min. to Limenas, Thassos.
  • SueMSueM Member Posts: 7
    Thank you that’s helpful.
  • SueMSueM Member Posts: 7
    Hello. Please could I check if there is a direct ferry between Kavala and Limenas or does it only go to skala primos? The internet is confusing ! Thank you
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi SueM :)

    I confirm that there is no ferry from Kavala to Limenas.

    The ferry from Kavala only goes to Skala Prinos.
  • AnnikaAnnika Member Posts: 2
    Hi, on your website here is more ferries a day than on the link you also shared ( Is there more than this company? I was wondering which ferry to take on Wednesday morning. I have my flight at 10.30 am. Should I take the horribly early at 6? The 7.45 is optimal but then nothing can happen and no delay. Somewhere was said I can set my watch with ferries and somewhere else that they are almost always late. What to trust? Thank you so much if you can help me. 😊
  • hobgoblinhobgoblin Member (+) Posts: 61
    Hi, we've been going to thassos for close to 15 years now and never had problems with delays As Kavala is a small Airport and very efficient, the 7.45 would be my choice.
  • AnnikaAnnika Member Posts: 2
    Thank you. I’ll take the later one and hope it’s on time.
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi Annika :)

    Ferries are normally precisely on time. It's extremely uncommon for them to depart late.

    The airport in Kavala is very small and efficient as Hobgoblin mentioned. I think you will have time to spare even if you take the 7:45 ferry from Limenas to Keramoti. You will arrive in Keramoti no later than 8:30. If you get a taxi immediately (I recommend booking one here) then you will be at the airport by 8:45.
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