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VintageVivVintageViv Member (+) Posts: 50
Climbed two-thirds of the way up Ipsarion years ago and heard the last third is the most difficult? Any advice on whether you need walking gear for the last ridge? Not getting any younger and it's still on my Bucket List! Travelling in June 2022 so it may be hot!


  • ArabellaArabella Member (+) Posts: 5
    Ipsarion nowadays is quite a challenge as due to heavy rainfall some 3 years back we had land slides, and wherever the water rushed down it widened and carried huge boulders and tree trunks left and right. so now the start is a bit dodgy as one has to climb over big stones.
    Once you are on the proper path, no problem but yes it is steep, narrow and slippery due to the small pine cones.
    The path from beginning to end is very well marked and certainly worthwhile completing. I would advise good footwear, walking sticks and plenty of water as there is none up on the top...!
    June is a good time to go and actually if you feel like company, Myself and a friend (Melissa) are avid walkers and always willing!
  • VintageVivVintageViv Member (+) Posts: 50
    Thank you.. that's very helpful to know!
  • DelboyDelboy Member (+) Posts: 359
    Hi VintageViv,

    It really is not that well marked route, in fact I missed a sign suppose to be on a rock and ended up looking at a pile of rocks stopping me getting up any further. I found fallen signposts and bits of red tape on branches and marks on some trees. The riverbed to initially walk up had no markings at all
  • ERHERH Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2022
    We climbed Ipsarion in June 2019. We are not youngsters by any means but I walk regularly (other half does not). We had walking boots and walking poles. Would not attempt to walk it without these. We also had 3 litres of water each which we used. We started at 7.45 am to avoid heavy heat and it took 3 hours to reach summit and sign book. The last part was hard going and we had to scramble in parts (this was the last part after reaching the hut) It took a similar time to get down, perhaps a bit longer. The red markings were good to follow when we did it but this was nearly 3 years ago. It was cool in the pine forest part. The walk is not easy either up or down but maybe better if you are youngsters. Always wanted to do it and very glad that we achieved it😊 The app on my phone recorded 4428 ft.
  • VintageVivVintageViv Member (+) Posts: 50
    Didn't make it in June, hopefully will get there before the end of Season 2022!
  • VintageVivVintageViv Member (+) Posts: 50
    Just got back from a fab week on Thassos.. disappointed I didn't make it to the top of Ipsarion (1205m) but it wasn't for the want of trying.. I walked two-thirds of it a few years ago with a torn ligament in my ankle.. now Over 60, right knee replaced, other one dodgy, I don't think I did too bad.. it took 6 hours! We touched on 30 degrees heat by the time we got high up and I had to admit defeat at 1000m. Just so you all know.. there has been a landslide two-thirds of the way up and there are lots of very heavy/loose boulders which make it very difficult to ascend/descend as the original footpath has disappeared!
  • VintageVivVintageViv Member (+) Posts: 50

  • VintageVivVintageViv Member (+) Posts: 50

  • VintageVivVintageViv Member (+) Posts: 50

  • VintageVivVintageViv Member (+) Posts: 50

  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    You made it so close to the top! Beautiful photos, Viv! :)
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