Climbed two-thirds of the way up Ipsarion years ago and heard the last third is the most difficult? Any advice on whether you need walking gear for the last ridge? Not getting any younger and it's still on my Bucket List! Travelling in June 2022 so it may be hot!
Once you are on the proper path, no problem but yes it is steep, narrow and slippery due to the small pine cones.
The path from beginning to end is very well marked and certainly worthwhile completing. I would advise good footwear, walking sticks and plenty of water as there is none up on the top...!
June is a good time to go and actually if you feel like company, Myself and a friend (Melissa) are avid walkers and always willing!
It really is not that well marked route, in fact I missed a sign suppose to be on a rock and ended up looking at a pile of rocks stopping me getting up any further. I found fallen signposts and bits of red tape on branches and marks on some trees. The riverbed to initially walk up had no markings at all