when are the summer ferry timetables published?

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when are the summer ferry timetables published?

we land at Kavala airport at 21.00 in August (on a Sunday); will we be able to get across the same night?


  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hi MrTimW :)

    Yes, you'll be able to get across on the same night if the ferry schedules this summer are similar to all previous years. The last ferry from Keramoti to Thassos typically leaves at 9:45 PM in August. If your plane arrives on time, it only takes about 20-30 minutes to disembark and collect your luggage because the airport is small and very efficient. Then take a taxi to Keramti which takes about 10 minutes.

    I suggest booking a taxi in advance to ensure you have one waiting for you and ready to go. This will definitely improve your odds of making that ferry on time. Here are local taxi drivers I personally, highly recommend:


  • artemisgartemisg Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2022
    Unfortunately due to unexpected circumstances (i.e. war, energy crisis), many companies put many routes on hold or change prices last minute. You can always check prices for ferry tickets 1-2 weeks before your arrival or check the options Augie shared with you above.
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