Golden Beach

Home Traveling to Thassos

Golden Beach

canalanniecanalannie Member (+) Posts: 8
I have just been watching the live webcam of Golden Beach I have been visiting here every year for 15 years first with my daughter and then with my partner who sadly died of cancer in 2015
I have since been back with my grandson who is now 5
It is the most beautiful place I have visited and also the people there always are so welcoming
I hope your little island stays safe and everyone on it, it is very scary here in the the moment but I hope we all get through this as best we can
I look forward to returning very very soon take care all of you


  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    edited March 2020
    Thank you so much for your heartfelt words, Canalannie!

    The people of our little island are watching with great hope that your big islands (the U.K.) will succeed and overcome this very soon.

    Just think about all of the stories we'll be sharing with each other when you safely return to Thassos! :)

    Don't forget, we're in this together. Please take care and stay safe!
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