Thassos 2020

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Thassos 2020

JohnnyQJohnnyQ Member (+) Posts: 8
I hear Thomas Cook will not be having flights to Kavala next summer, does anyone else having any ideas who will be taking over from them ?


  • DelboyDelboy Member (+) Posts: 359
    I doubt that anybody will be taking over Johnny as initially before them only TUI were doing flights. Whether another company adds Thassos to their destination for holidays would just be guessing at this time.

    There is a thread down below by Leanne discussing it eg 'spanner in the works'
  • Leanne1976Leanne1976 Member Posts: 144
    I have noticed that TUI have some new hotels in their selection but with no competition their prices are really high. At this point I think booking independently is the better option or last minute booking which is a risk.
  • Leanne1976Leanne1976 Member Posts: 144
    just looked at flight prices for the first week September next year £898!! We can book the whole package for less than that … I fear this is going to mean no Thassos trip next year :(
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hi Leanne, have you considered booking your tickets and accommodation independently? It'll need a bit more leg work on your end but it should be more affordable.
  • Leanne1976Leanne1976 Member Posts: 144
    Augie that £898 was just for the flights, I was pricing up doing it independently. Problem is from the UK TUI are the only airline flying into Kavala … so that's 968 Euros just on flights :(
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hi Leanne, is £898 for one person?

    Flying to Thessaloniki is an option worth considering.

    It isn't as convenient as flying to Kavala but the journey from SKG (Thessaloniki's Airport) to Keramoti is easy. You can rent a car from Potos Car Rentals (a local company with a branch at the airport)... or you can catch a taxi, a more convenient but pricier alternative.

    Easyjet offers low fares to Thessaloniki but unfortunately tickets for next summer are not on sale just yet. Maybe they can help you get here with much less. :)
  • DelboyDelboy Member (+) Posts: 359
    edited August 2019
    Hi Augie,

    A taxi is going to be 5 hours of a taxi drivers time unless he gets a pick up on the way back. What sort of price will that be both ways ?

    There are a numbers of us that don't / won't drive abroad, wrong side of the road, gear sticks in wrong places (I hate automatics over in the UK lol) and so many stories on forums of insurance being inadequate and as somebody mentioned on another island try telling a Greek community in an accident it was not your fault
  • DelboyDelboy Member (+) Posts: 359
    As a suggestion there should be bookable bus arranged by the hotels where rooms booked allows a person /s to travel on that bus and perhaps runs twice a day
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hi Delboy,

    The taxi rate for a one-way trip is 140-160 euros. It's a good deal for 4 people at 35-40 euros per person. For 3 people it comes out to 47.50-53.30 euros per person. Perhaps you could coordinate your trip with someone else, share a taxi and split the cost?

    A cheaper alternative: Take a taxi from the airport to the bus station in Thessaloniki and then catch a bus to Kavala. Then take the ferry from Kavala to Thassos (Skala Prinos), and then take a bus to your resort. This is the cheapest option if you're travelling alone or with one other person. The price for a one way taxi from the airport to the bus station in Thessaloniki is 20 euros. A return bus ticket from Thessaloniki to Kavala costs 30 euros per person. So, for 2 people the total cost is 100 euros round-trip or 50 euros per person. It's very inexpensive if you don't mind the inconvenience.

    Your suggestion of having a dedicated bus or mini-bus service between Thassos and the airport twice a day is terrific. I absolutely love the idea and I'll bring it up with people. I remember you suggested it before, and I did speak to people about it, but unfortunately the reality is doing anything in Greece (except for enjoying a holiday) can get very complicated due to laws and restrictions which were designed and influenced by unions, vested interests, and a state that struggles to keep up with changing times. I still have hopes :)
  • DelboyDelboy Member (+) Posts: 359
    edited August 2019
    Well I read the hotel Pegasus Thassos would arrange transport ( I expect at the guests paying the fare), it would need a few others to join in. If there was only one flight a day it would be fairly easy to link up people. Also the hotel would get a far better room rate than TUI or TC would ever offer
  • Leanne1976Leanne1976 Member Posts: 144
    The £898 was for two people WITHOUT luggage, which is alot when you consider two things, one last year four of us came to the Med for a week half board at £1400. Also i can book a package with TUI for around £400 each which includes half board, transfers and flights, just no where we fancy LOL

    Thessaloniki then a bus is an option we are looking, but I must admit it sounds like a hell of a lot of hassle for one week :( Augie is the bus direct? and how long does it take?
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    edited August 2019
    Hi Leanne,

    Check this link for the bus schedule from Thessaloniki to Kavala.

    The routes labeled "Express" on the right side of the timetable are direct and only take 2 hours.

    The rest make additional stops along the way which prolong the journey by about 20-30 minutes.

    I'd aim for an express bus but if the timing of your flight doesn't allow you to catch one, you'll just need to sit on the bus a little extra while passing through a couple of small villages in northern Greece, which can be a nice experience itself :)
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