travelling to POTO

Home Places on Thassos

travelling to POTO

Is it better to drive from Prinos or Limenas to Poto and how long does it take ??
What is the condition of the roads in question ???


  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hi Antony!

    Prinos to Potos is 26 Km. and takes about 20-25 minutes

    Limenas to Potos is 45 Km. and takes about 35-40 minutes

    You will take the island's ring road which is asphalt all around and in good condition. It is single-lane road so if there's a lot of traffic it may take a bit longer than the times above. :)

    Worth noting: Keramoti to Limenas is the most popular ferry route because it is faster (takes half the time) and the ticket prices are more economical.
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