is this site defunct?

in General
Keep checking in for new discussions but it appears nobody has posted since last August??
There have been lots of posts since last August... the most recent being from last week, as Delboy mentioned.
Do you have any other questions?
Not sure if there is a problem with people seeing the webcam these days. The message i get going through google chrome is i need to change the adobe flash player and i believe i have the latest on. If i go into an old browser it comes up ok does yours need updating or is it just mine. Like to hear if others have the problem
If your browser has Flash Player installed and enabled, you shouldn't see that message at all.
When I go to view the live webcam, it loads automatically without asking me to enable adoble flash player because mine is already enabled. I have Chrome version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit).
You should click to enable and give it a try... it should only activate Adobe Flash Player on your browser, not install a different version or anything. Let me know how you get on!