Closed road

Home Traveling to Thassos

Closed road

Hi everyone!
When planned road to Thassos, found closed short road from Thassos city to Skala Potamia by Google Maps.
Is true or old information?

Thank you.


  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    edited May 2017
    Hi Evgheni,

    Not true. The road isn't closed. :)

    Unfortunately, Google maps are not yet very reliable for point-to-point directions on Thassos. Sometimes they send you on mountain roads that don't have asphalt and are used by mainly shepherds. Or they send you around the whole island, as you see in your screenshot. That is a very scenic route but it's the least efficient! lol

    Rest assured, we've been in communication with Google to improve their map's directions. We're hopeful that very soon Google will take our advice and improve their maps' directions for Thassos.
  • EvgheniEvgheni Member Posts: 5
    Last time we used this "closed" road,
    that's why i ask, but your answer is very helpful.
    Thank you very much!
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    It was a great question! You're very welcome!
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