First time in Thassos May 2016

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First time in Thassos May 2016

johyphenannejohyphenanne Member (+) Posts: 1
Me and my partner are visiting Thassos for the first time in May (we are very excited!)

We have looked at many of the activities and things to do on the island, but is there anything that you would recommend booking before we go? Or are most activities/excursions okay to book on the day?



  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 848
    Hi johyphenanne,

    It never hurts to book in advance but I'm confident that you will be alright if you wait until you are here to book. May is the quiet time of the holiday season so you won't have as much competition for tickets as you would in June, July and August.

    Enjoy your first holiday ever on Thassos! I'm sure you will. :)
  • canalanniecanalannie Member (+) Posts: 8
    We have been visiting Thassos for 10 years and almost always May lovely time to go and weather is perfect hope you enjoy it as much as we have
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