Booking ferry from Keramoti

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Booking ferry from Keramoti

AnnAnn Member (+) Posts: 7
Travelling to Thassos end of July/ return in August, so busy time of year and will be taking hire car on ferry. Do I need to book in advance, or as ferries frequent and not sure of time (in case of flight delay/time to drive etc), is it a case of just turn up and queue?
Also is it just a fixed rate per car, or do you pay extra according to number of passengers (family of 4)
Thanks, Ann


  • Nannie FrenchNannie French Member (+) Posts: 45
    Ann, you just turn up and queue and drive on. In July and August they are virtually non stop. You can get the timetable on the site. They are really efficient so hardly ever much of a wait. You pay for the car and all the passengers.
  • gregm52gregm52 Member Posts: 1
    Hi...Nannie the Ann I am also travelling by car to Thassos and would like to know the price of the ferry for one car and two adults. Is it a phenomenon that they put the price up and down at will according to how business is? I looked on this site and it said schedules and prices but no prices.
  • GoThassosGoThassos Administrator Posts: 128
    edited June 2014
    Hi gregm52,

    The total price for 1 car and 2 adults is 22 EUR (1-way).
    Prices apply for Keramoti-Limenas route.
    -3 EUR per person, 1-way
    -16 EUR per car, 1-way

    You can find the prices on the ferry companies' websites: (new company starting from June 5 June 10 June 17)
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