Solo travellers

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Solo travellers

margibmargib Member (+) Posts: 3
Have been on holiday to Golden beach with my late partner for lots of happy , happy holidays . Knew that Thomson would not take solo travellers , hope Cosmos would - but , no !! Any ideas , as I would hate that my last view of Thassos was via webcam - lovely as it is each day :-)


  • tilly67tilly67 Member (+) Posts: 14
    Hiya there, my Mum has this same problem. If she comes out to Thassos with us she books flight only with Thomson and then books accomodation independently. There doesn't seem to be anywhere that offers even the alternative of paying single room supplement ( I don't think)
    You can jump in a taxi to Keramoti and just buy your foot passenger ticket at the kiosk on the dock and pop ur case down by the side on the car level once aboard. Loads of taxis Limenas side.
    I know that flight only Thomson is expensive if you are comparing it to the packages on offer but there are an abundance of independent hotels who I'm sure would love your custom. A lot of the tavernas have rooms too so hunt around and ask.
    If you need any help please let me know.
  • margibmargib Member (+) Posts: 3
    Thanks Tilly . Have looked further into Thomson web site and it seems that you can make a booking for 3 people in two rooms - how odd is that - perhaps if there was 1and a half of me , they would let me travel :) . Will look further into your suggestion .Thanks again.
  • tilly67tilly67 Member (+) Posts: 14
    Good luck. I never realised how difficult it was to travel alone until I've had to help my Mum. It seems that single people are only expected to want to go on a landscape painting adventure in Tuscany or an Ayurvedic tuition class in India. Really hope that you find a way to return x
  • margibmargib Member (+) Posts: 3
    Thanks Tilly :)
  • Linda AstburyLinda Astbury Member (+) Posts: 1
    I have just booked a holiday at susie studios,skala Potamia with OLYMPIC holidays.View online then phone them,no problem.
    Single suplement,flights with Thomsons.This holiday was with thomsons until this year.
  • TigerlilyTigerlily Member (+) Posts: 1
    You can book direct with Thomson as a solo traveller. What you have to do is book your flight and when it gets to the screen that asks you if you want to add luggage, book meals etc, there's also an option to add accommodation. In the drop down menu you can choose which resort you want.
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