long term rentals

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long term rentals

saxkerrysaxkerry Member Posts: 22
Hi, me and my husband are interested in finding a long term rental property. does anyone have any information?


  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hi Kerry,

    It depends on what you mean by long term rental property.

    Please explain and I'll do my best to provide any information I can.

  • saxkerrysaxkerry Member Posts: 22
    Hi Augie, we are looking for something for 6 months. We are interested in living in Thassos, but first we want to rent and spend time there to feel and understand the life.

    If you have any suggestions or advise or know of any rentals, will be more than pleased to hear.... :-)

  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hi Kerry,

    Thank you for the information!

    Living in Thassos has been a remarkable experience for me. Summers are obviously very lively, teeming with tourists and plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy. Everything is open and you have a wealth of choices. Winter time however is the opposite, which can be very refreshing for some but hard for others to cope with.

    The reason why I started this post with a description of the differing seasons is because I believe it's a good idea for you to experience them all before making the decision to move to Thassos permanently.

    Staying for just 6 months won't quite give you the experience you might need to make the most informed decision. If you're seriously considering making Thassos your new home, I recommend taking a sabbatical for a year and really experience all 12 months of the island's 4 seasons.

    With that said, I think finding a place to live for 12 months would be better than for 6 months. The reason is this. Most accommodations that are NOT rented year-round are rented to tourists. You might be able to find a nice furnished flat or house for 6 months, but if those months are during the tourist season, you'll have a hard time securing it for the same monthly cost you would pay for a year-round accommodation. If cost isn't really an issue for you though, then go for it!

    Word-of-mouth is the way people find year-round accommodation on Thassos. Property owners typically don't list them on the internet. The best and most effective way to find a place for yourself is to come and mingle with the locals.

    You could also try the local real estate agents but from my experience, they have a very small portfolio (if any at all) since locals would prefer not involving a middle-man and therefore do not work with estate agents when renting their property long-term.

    I hope this information is helpful. Perhaps it isn't! Please let me know :)
  • saxkerrysaxkerry Member Posts: 22
    Hi, yes your comments are definitely helpful... It is easy to sit in your home and imagine what a new place would be like, but as you say unless you experience it you will never know. We are so eager for a life change as we have a stressful and hectic life.
    How long have you been living in Thassos and where were you living before that?
    Decision making is always the hardest part, but I think that life is short and if you don;t try you will never know and maybe regret later for not trying it.
    Just as a guideline, what would you expect a monthly budget for living expenses for two people?
    I really appreciate your input...

    Many thanks.
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    edited April 2017
    Hey Kerry,

    Everything starts from the imagination! :)

    I've been a resident of Thassos for about a decade now. I came from the states and haven't looked back. I'm half Greek and during my childhood I visited Greece every summer. It's probably because of this fact that I didn't experience any culture shock and I was able to adapt very easily.

    Island life is dramatically different than city life so if you're coming from a city, prepare for major changes to your lifestyle and mentality! However, if you live in a small touristy fishing village in the UK, you'd find many similarities and would probably adapt smoothly on Thassos.

    General living costs here are lower than what you're probably used to in the UK. A monthly budget for 2 people would depend on lifestyle but I know people who live comfortably with under 800 euros / month. It doesn't afford them any extra comforts or luxuries but they know how to live modestly and quite happily. The island is not a place for materialists or consumerists. The island's limited selection is just that: limited. This can be great for your wallet and savings though! If you like simplicity and if it doesn't drive you insane when things take much longer than you're used to... give it a try. The perks of living on Thassos are plenty! :)

  • saxkerrysaxkerry Member Posts: 22
    Hi Augie,
    This was super helpful... Although I was born in the U.K. I travelled to Israel to volunteer on a Kibbutz and there I met and married my husband, we are still living in Israel but not on a Kibbutz.

    When you say a couple can live comfortably for under EUR 800... is that included a monthly rental cost?

    Really appreciate your input and insight...

  • saxkerrysaxkerry Member Posts: 22
    simplicity... this is so appealing :)
  • YıldızBYıldızB Member Posts: 3
    I dont think 800 euros would include rent???
  • YıldızBYıldızB Member Posts: 3
    My boyfriend and I live in Istanbul. He s English and I am Turkish/American. We are both 65 and retired. We are considering Thassos as a great place to retire because its so near and easy to travel back and forth to Istanbul. In the future we could permanently live in Thassos if our ties with Turkey end. Would like to meet people and get advice on long term rentals etc.
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    edited April 2017
    Hi Saxkerry and YildizB,

    It all depends on one's lifestyle, really. Let me be more descriptive in regards to the 800 euros / month I quoted above as a minimum.

    That amount would include rent for a couple. Specifically, an unfurnished 1-bedroom apartment in Limenas. It would also include modest use of electricity, water, and heating oil... as well as groceries, personal hygiene, medication, internet, satellite tv and mobile phone.

    It would not include costs of a car (loan payments, gas, insurance, repairs, etc.) This isn't a problem for those I know who live with 800 euros a month because they live in a central location and they walk everywhere or ride a bicycle. Everything is close by and easy to get to on foot. Personally, I usually leave my car at home too. It's a small town! I enjoy walking outdoors and getting exercise while taking in the natural, cultural and historical beauty everywhere I look. I also find it more fun to walk because I get to stop and mingle with people I know along the way!

    It would not include eating out. This budget assumes that you cook at home and eat in regularly.

    It would not include extras like a new pair of shoes every month or top-of-the-line home appliances. You'd be able to afford a new pair of shoes every year and the more economical home appliances.

    If you have a budget twice as big (ie. 1600 euros/month) then you'll be able to afford a car, eat out twice a week and enjoy some extras.

    The keyword is lifestyle.

    What's great about Thassos' unique environment is that it enables people to have a gratifying lifestyle of simplicity. You can go for a walk in olive and pine-covered mountains, read a book on a deserted beach, fish, snorkel, make ceramics, learn greek dancing, go to local festivities... all for free, just outside your doorstep. :)
  • Lill KnudsenLill Knudsen Member Posts: 3
    Hello Saxkerry,
    Did you find a place to live? We have a house in Theologos. Have a look at the webside www greekthassoshouse.dk. In case of a long term rental, it will of course not be for sale in that period.
    Best regards
    Lill Knudsen
  • saxkerrysaxkerry Member Posts: 22
    Thanks for your comments Lill... no we haven't found a place yet.. we are waiting to sell our house in Israel before we can start our move.. I will take a look at the link you sent... best regards.. Kerry
  • saxkerrysaxkerry Member Posts: 22
    Hi Augie, your comments, insight and information are all very helpful... so thanks for that..
    Can I pick your brains on another topic?
    Can you offer any information on recommended medical insurance for people like us moving to Thassos?
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    edited May 2017
    Hi Saxkerry,

    I'm glad you found what I wrote helpful! You're welcome.

    Do you plan to work or start a business when you're here? If the answer is yes then by law you'll need public health insurance (it's mandatory). This would give you free access to all public/state clinics and hospitals. Some small private practices accept this form of insurance but not all of them. It also covers most medication costs when you shop from the pharmacy.

    I would strongly recommend getting private health insurance, regardless of if you have public insurance or not. With private insurance you could visit private hospitals and you can get medical evacuation via helicopter, which would be very necessary during emergencies that require immediate treatment, such as serious stroke. There are many good private hospitals in Thessaloniki where people I know often go for treatment, which is a 2.5 hour drive away.

    There are several private insurance companies operating here, one of the most well-known is Interamerican. I could put you in touch with a local agent if you're interested in picking a more knowledgeable brain? :)
  • edited May 2017
    Hallo Mrs Saxkerry!

    There are a lot of insurance companies in Thassos. A local insurance agent use to make a survey for the best policy from the insurance company wich is special for each person. There is also Interasco insurance company wich is member of Harel Group of companies, from Israel!
    Medical insurance it depends on of some criteria like the age, health situation etc.
    Every person who lives in Greece and have Tax number is a permissive user of medical insurance!
  • saxkerrysaxkerry Member Posts: 22
    Hi Augie,
    This is really helpful... We are realizing how many things we don't know and what things we need to check.
    We would like to open a business, but one step at a time.
    I am making jewellery from sea glass and natural stones and would like to open a "street stall" to sell from.
    At the moment we are concentrating on the basics... like finding a buyer for our house in Israel... I believe it will happen soon.
    Yes, i would like to pick the brains of a more knowledgeable person on med. insurance... :smile:
    if you can, would be great to receive contact info.
    You're a whizz!!
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hey Kerry,

    I sent you a private message with a local insurance agent's contact details! :)
  • saxkerrysaxkerry Member Posts: 22
    Hi Augie, really appreciate your help and advice.
    I didn't see any message in my gmail. please can you resend it.
  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Hi Kerry!

    I just sent it to your Gmail - you should have it in your inbox now! :)

    Sorry about the confusion, I should have been more specific... the private message I sent you earlier was through this site. If you're logged in to Go-Thassos, an envelope icon appears at the top of the page which you can click to see your private messages.
  • saxkerrysaxkerry Member Posts: 22
    Hi Augie,
    thanks for all you support and help. We finally sold our house and are moving to thassos at the beginning of September.
    A new start!

  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    Congratulations, Kerry! We'll need to meet up when you get here!

    Give me a nudge in the meantime, if you have any questions or need local knowledge or advice. ;)
  • saxkerrysaxkerry Member Posts: 22
    Thanks... I can't believe that we have done it.
    It would be great to meet up. Where do you live?
    We have some ideas for work, but we are starting with a "blank page" and direction and input would be priceless.

    I guess our first few months will be finding our feet...but we want to check a few ideas we have for work in the summer.
    one step at a time...


  • AugieAugie Administrator Posts: 846
    edited June 2017
    That's very exciting, Kerry!

    I live in Limenas. :)

    Why don't you come for a few days this Summer and get a feel for what it's like during the lively time of year? You could see the situation with your own eyes, which can in turn inspire you to think about what you could do and enjoy doing for work during the summer.

    If you decide to come, take advantage of a Last Minute Deal!


    PS. Always book directly with your host to avoid spending more money on the same exact room or apartment, which will happen if you book through a site like Booking.com
  • saxkerrysaxkerry Member Posts: 22
    Hi Augie,
    That's good to hear that you live in LImenas as that is where we will be staying when we arrive at the beginning of September.
    we would really like to meet up with you...
    so until then thanks again for all your help and advice.
  • saxkerrysaxkerry Member Posts: 22
    Hi Augie, we have arrived and are in LIMENAS. Can we meet up with you?
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